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Archive | Riverchase

Countdown to Kindergarten 2019!

Countdown to Kindergarten 2019!CFB will be hosting Countdown to Kindergarten 2019 on Apr. 23, 6:30 PM at all elementary campuses. Students will be able to experience the sights and sounds of their campus, while parents register them for school. Parents and students will also have an opportunity to meet the principal and school staff. School registration will continue on school days between 9 AM-2 PM.

By state law, to be eligible for Kindergarten, students must have their 5th birthday by Sept. 1, 2019.

Want to know which school is in your attendance zone? Check our online maps.

Did you know we offer after school care until 6 PM with our After the Bell program? Space is limited!

Items to bring to registration

  • Immunization Records
  • Birth certificate
  • School records
  • Utility bill
  • Copy of lease/mortgage
  • Parent/guardian ID
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Statewide Birth Thru Age 5 Needs Assessment Survey

Statewide Birth Thru Age 5 Needs Assessment SurveyCommissioner of Education Mike Morath announced today that the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and the Texas Early Learning Council are conducting a statewide birth-five needs assessment to better understand the needs of those accessing, providing, and supporting early childhood programs and services for children ages birth to five.

As part of this needs assessment, the Council is conducting a statewide survey from March 25 through April 5, 2019.

The survey is intended for:

  • Families;
  • Staff of early childhood programs and services (childcare, Head Start, public prekindergarten, early childhood intervention (ECI) and home visiting);
  • Staff of early childhood organizations (membership organizations, advocacy organizations, workforce boards, ESCs, etc.); and
  • Community organizations/partners (businesses, health service providers, local governments, religious organizations, etc.).

The survey can be accessed at:

Questions intended for families and staff of early childhood programs and services are available in both English and Spanish.

The survey results and the statewide needs assessment will be utilized by the Texas Early Learning Council to establish a statewide strategic plan. The strategic plan will focus on improving coordination and collaboration, promoting partnerships, increasing quality, reducing duplicative efforts, efficiently utilizing resources, and easing a child’s transition into kindergarten.

The statewide birth-five needs assessment is required for the Preschool Development Grant awarded to Texas by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Education. This grant is a collaboration between the Texas Department of Agriculture, the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, the Texas Department of State Health Service, TEA, the Texas Head Start State Collaboration Office, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, and the Texas Workforce Commission.

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Riverchase Students Discover Texas


Fourth graders from Riverchase Elementary traveled to Waco and Austin on March 20. The students got to experience what they are learning in fourth grade Texas History. Students visited the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum and the Bullock Texas State History Museum. Additionally, they visited the Texas State Capitol.

Students discussed why Texans are so proud of their unique heritage and participated in activities and games on their journey. At the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum in Waco, students learned the history of the Texas Rangers. They explored exhibits about Texas’s earliest inhabitants and its many unique geographical regions. They then traveled to Austin to see the Texas State Capitol where their legislators have their offices. Students saw first-hand where Texas laws are made as they toured the State Capitol. The tour included the Senate and House of Representatives chambers.

At the Bullock Texas State History Museum students traveled in time through the Texas Revolution and learned about the events that created our Lone Star identity. The students’ visit to the museum concluded at the multi-sensory Texas Spirit Theater with the Star of Destiny. They learned the history of our great state including a gusher exploding from an East Texas oil derrick and the takeoff of Saturn V as seen from Mission Control at the Johnson Space Center in Houston.

Education in Action’s Discover Texas Field Trips are based on the understanding that the most effective way for students to learn is through experience,” stated Lacey Phillips, Discover Texas Field Trips Director.“Student activities during the Discover Texas Field Trip to Austin reinforce and supplement fourth grade Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) learning objectives with a focus on why Texans are so proud of their unique heritage.”

Riverchase Students Discover Texas

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Project SUCCESS Empowers Families to Improve Biliteracy

Project SUCCESS Empowers Families to Improve BiliteracyProject SUCCESS is a Title III National Professional Development Program funded by the US Department of Education. Project SUCCESS won a competitive award of $2,709,123 from September 1, 2017  to August 31, 2022 from the Office of English Acquisition of the USDOE. The grant funds the Latino Literacy Project. The project focuses on working with parents on ways to help their children with literacy and biliteracy development. Also, to establish a reading routine at home with their children. Parents work with the teachers at the schools for 10 weeks learning how to teach reading to their children in English and Spanish at home.


In addition, 290 teachers at 20 CFBISD schools (Blair, Blanton, Carrollton, Central, Davis, Farmers Branch, Furneaux,  Good, Kent, Landry, La Villita, Las Colinas, McWhorter, Rainwater, Riverchase,  Sheffield, Stark, McLaughlin/Strickland and Thompson) receive professional development training through the grant.


Regarding the program, 2nd grade teacher Monica Agular states, “It has given me the opportunity to connect with the parents at a different level. I’ve gotten to know them more. What their home life is like, what experiences they’ve endured and more. It has allowed me to get out of my comfort zone and interact more with the parents.”

Additionally, 1st grade teacher Esmeralda Leal says, “With a new school year came a new program and experience. The project has given me the shared cultural experience that I had never felt with coworkers, parents, and students. These past months I have laughed, cried, and celebrated where we come from and where we want to go. No program or experience has ever done that before in my 8 years of teaching.”

See a local TV story on the Latino Literacy Project at Thompson Elementary.

Read the Al Dia Dallas Newspaper story on the program.

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RHS Hosts Family Coding Event

RHS Hosts Family Coding EventRanchview High School is hosting a family coding night for all students attending school in their feeder pattern. Students who attend Freeman, Landry, Las Colinas, La Villita, or Riverchase Elementary schools, or Barbara Bush Middle School and their families are invited to attend. Students and their families will learn about coding, technology and STEM. There will be hands-on activities and demonstrations available for all ages.


The event will be held at Ranchview High School at 8401 Valley Ranch Pkwy E., Irving, TX 75063.


The event is 5 – 7 PM, with a RHS basketball game to follow. Any student wearing a shirt from their own school (and their family) will receive free admission to the game!

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Riverchase Elementary Students Make 2018 Visit to State Capitol

Riverchase Elementary students make 2018 visit to the State Capitol. Working with Education in Action, the fourth-grade students enjoyed a field trip to Waco and Austin to experience what they are learning in fourth grade Texas History. Students visited the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum, the Texas State Capitol, and the Bullock Texas State History Museum.

Multiple stops

During the charter bus ride to their first destination, the students discussed why Texans are so proud of their unique heritage and participated in activities and games in preparation for their day. At their first stop, the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum in Waco, students learned the history of the Texas Rangers and explored exhibits about Texas’s earliest inhabitants and its many unique geographical regions. They then traveled to Austin to see the Texas State Capitol where their legislators, The Honorable Jane Nelson, State Senator, District 12 and The Honorable Ron Simmons, State Representative, District 65, have their office.

Students see first-hand where Texas laws are made as they tour the State Capitol including the Senate and House of Representatives chambers. At the Bullock Texas State History Museum, students travel in time through the Texas Revolution. The students’ visit to the museum concludes at the multi-sensory Texas Spirit Theater with the Star of Destiny where they see and experience the history of Texas.

“Education in Action’s Discover Texas Field Trips are based on the understanding that the most effective way for students to learn is through experience,” stated Lacey Phillips, Discover Texas Field Trips Director. “Student activities during the Discover Texas Field Trip to Austin reinforce and supplement fourth-grade TEKS learning objectives with a focus on why Texans are so proud of their unique heritage.”

Riverchase Elementary Students Make 2018 Visit to State Capitol

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Riverchase Elementary – May 2018 Newsletter

Food Drive

We are collecting canned and dried beans to benefit Metrocrest Services. Metrocrest partners with our district and our school to make sure students and families have access to food and other basic necessities.

We are happy to help them keep their pantry shelves filled. Beans will be collected through May 11. Thank you in advance for your support.

End of the Year Attendance

The last day of school is June 7. The Texas Education Agency does not allow us to withdraw students after May 1 unless they will enroll AND ATTEND another school THIS school year. Students who leave prior to the end of this school year will be coded absent for the remaining days of the school year. According to state law, permission by the administration cannot be granted for early leave or completion of a grade level for any reason.

Students must be in attendance 90% of the school year to be eligible for promotion to the next grade level. Meetings with the Attendance Review Committee will be reviewed to determine whether there are extenuating circumstances for the absences and decide the child’s placement for the next school year.

PTA Corner

Our PTA is selling 2017-18 Yearbooks for $25! You can order online at www.balfour.comor send $25 cash to school with your child. The deadline has been extended to May 22. Don’t miss out!

Teacher Appreciation Week
Teacher Appreciation Week is this week! Please remember to say a kind word of appreciation to your child’s teacher this week. They put in countless hours making sure each student is successful academically and socially. The PTA has several things planned to honor teachers this week. In addition, your child may also choose to show their appreciation by participating in the following themes for each day this week.

M– Bring Your Teacher a Flower
T – Give Your Teacher a High Five
W – Write Your Teacher a Note
Th – Wear Something Red (We are “Red”dy to Learn)
F – Be Sweet (Bring your teacher a piece of candy)

Spirit Night at Urban Air Coppell – May 31

All families are invited to attend the End of School Year Bash at Urban Air Coppell. Urban Air is located at 110 W. Sandy Lake Rd. You can go anytime between 4 P.M. and 8 P.M. Be sure to let them know you are with Riverchase. Our school will receive 20% of the proceeds. There is no better way to end a successful school year! We hope to see all of you there!

School Supplies

School supplies for next school year can be purchased online through June 24. Please take advantage of this opportunity. It’s a convenient, no-hassle method that worked really well for us last year. You may call the office if you have questions or concerns.

Student Online Enrollment Registration

Online Registration for the 2018-2019 school year opens Monday, May 7. You can register online at All students returning to C-FBISD are required to register online.

Also, parents of PreK – 4th grade students, please complete the 2018-19 School Year Plans form if you haven’t done so already. We will use this information to begin making plans for next school year.

Save the Date

Below is a list of upcoming events. Please contact your child’s teacher for more specific grade level information. We’ll see you this Thursday at our Spring Talent Show!

May 7 – Online Registration for the 2018-2019 School Year Opens

May 10 – Spring Talent Show at 6:00 p.m.

May 11 – 2nd Grade visits the Outdoor Learning Center

May 24 – Field Day & Volunteer Breakfast

May 29 – 4th Grade Field Trip to Austin

June 1 – 3rd Grade Field Trip (Please Contact campus for location)

June 5 –
Kinder Awards at 8:00 a.m.
1st & 2nd Grade Awards at 9:00 a.m.
3rd & 4th Grade Awards at 10:00 a.m.

5th Grade Promotion Ceremony at 6:00 p.m.

June 6 – Early Release at 11:40 a.m.
June 7 – Early Release/Last Day of School

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Michael Finley Foundation Presents Opportunities to Select 3rd-7th Grade Students

Michael Finley Foundation Presents Opportunities to Select 3rd-7th Grade Students

Michael Finley Foundation Presents Opportunities to Select 3rd-7th Grade StudentsThe Michael Finley Foundation presents their annual G.I.F.T.4.S. for summer at Long Middle School. Forty students will be selected, so spots are limited. The event will take place July 9 – 26, 7:15 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. The last day will consist of academics in the morning and a celebration in the afternoon. Free breakfast, lunch, morning and afternoon snacks will be served. Students are selected based on the application criteria and parents who commit to supporting their children through the summer and throughout the school year. Please direct inquiries to Jean Moore, Executive Director of the Michael Finley Foundation, at 469-630-2854. The Michael Finley Foundation website has the applications online in English and Spanish.

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2018 School Lunch Hero Day

2018 School Lunch Hero Day

2018 School Lunch Hero DayMay 4 is 2018 School Lunch Hero Day. In addition to preparing healthy meals, CFB school nutrition professionals adhere to strict nutrition standards, navigate student food allergies, and offer service with a smile. Our school lunch employees are true heroes. Who needs a cape when you have an apron? While School Nutrition Employee Week is May 7-11,  the sixth annual School Lunch Hero day will be May 4. It is a day to remember and thank nutrition staff. Let CFB know about your favorite Student Nutrition employee. Take a selfie shaking hands, giving a high-five, or just smiling with your favorite lunch hero, using hashtag #cfblunchhero on Facebook or Twitter.

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Parent Education – Dyslexia

Parent Education - DyslexiaCarrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District is hosting its dyslexia parent education program on Thursday, February 22, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. in the Carrollton Room of the Educational Services Division Complex (Building B) located at 1820 Pearl Street, Carrollton, TX 75006.

Please plan to spend approximately one hour learning about the needs of dyslexia students and how these needs are addressed in the classroom.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

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