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Ranchview Hosts College Signing Day 2018

Ranchview Hosts College Signing Day 2018

Ranchview Hosts College Signing Day 2018Ranchview hosts College Signing Day 2018, where the spotlight shines on students for their athletic and academic achievements. Three students from Ranchview High School signed on the dotted line for National Signing Day. These athletes receive scholarships to attend college because of their high academic performance as well as athletic achievements in their respective sports. RHS senior, Elyssa Gibson, signed with Southwestern University in Georgetown, TX, to play soccer. Additionally, class of 2018 lady wolf, Caitlin Mahoney, signed to play volleyball with Austin College in Sherman, TX. Furthermore, RHS senior, Sarodorick Thompson, signed with Texas Tech University in Lubbock, TX, to play football. Coaches spoke at the event, praising each athlete’s drive for their sport and for their strong academic record.

Click here to see more photos from this event.

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Winter 2018 Sunday Swim Clinic

Winter 2018 Sunday Swim Clinic


Swim on Sundays!

Feb. – 18, 25
March – 4, 18, 25 (no 11)
Apr. –  8, 15, 22,  (no 1)

Indoor pool, next to Standridge Stadium!

Class will start at 2pm each Sunday and end at 2:45pm.  Placement is based on ability and age. Minimum age is 6 with no age limit. An adult class will be offered if enough interest is shown.  Please pre-register so that we can make arrangements for one or two classes prior to the start date.

Click here for the Registration Form

All swimmers must be able to swim 25 yards non-stop.

The cost is $95 payable to CFBISD Athletics (cash or check only).

Payment is made with registration. Pre-registering is recommended. Swimmers will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis.

Any questions call (972) 968-5668.

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On-Site Vaccination Clinics for CFBISD Employees, Students & Their Families

Passport Health/North Texas Flu Shots will be providing on site vaccination clinics for CFBISD employees, students and their families:

Administration Building – January 30, 2018 – 4:00pm-6:00pm
Ranchview High School – February 2, 2018 – 3:00pm-5:00pm
Blalack Middle School – February 6, 2018 – 4:00pm-6:00pm

Click here to Sign Up

Accepted insurance plans:

  • TRS-Aetna ActiveCare 1-HD and 2 Plans – covered at 100%
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield – with the exceptions of Blue Cross Gold, Silver or Bronze plans
  • Aetna – with the exceptions of Aetna Gold, Silver or Bronze plans
  • United Health Care
  • Cigna
  • Medicare Part B (Flu shots only-please provide a copy of any supplement plans also)

TRS Aetna ActiveCare Select plans and Scott & White plans cannot be accepted. 

TRS SELECT plans  must see a Baylor Scott & White physician for all services, including vaccinations for the plan to cover the services.

We are unable to accept HMO plans.

Most plans cover immunizations at 100%.  There is a very small group of plans that do not cover immunizations.

We will have the following vaccines available:

Vaccine With accepted insurance Without Accepted Insurance
Quadrivalent Flu Shot  No charge Adults $20, Children 18 and under $10
Tetanus Diphtheria with Pertussis No charge $70
Hepatitis B No charge $80
Pneumonia (Pneumovax23) No charge $100
Pneumonia (Prevnar 13) No charge $200
Meningitis No charge $125
B12 Shot  $18 $18

We accept cash or a check made out to North Texas Flu Shots.

After you sign up online, you will see a confirmation page.  There will be a link for you to print out the consent form for vaccinations.  You only need to print out one consent form.  All vaccines are on the same form with the exception of the B12 injection.  B12 will require a separate form.  If you have questions about any particular vaccination, please see our nurse on the day of the clinic.

On the date of your vaccinations, you must bring a photo copy of your insurance card as well as a photo copy of your driver’s license to receive your vaccinations at no charge.  A parent or guardian must accompany the student.

If you received routine vaccinations from us in previous years and need a copy of your records, please email us at   In the email you will need to include the email address you want the records sent to, your name, date of birth and your insurance ID number.

Depending on the carrier, insurance claims may be filed at North Texas Flu Shots, Community Health and Immunization Services or Staying Healthy Medical Services.

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Ranchview Choir Students Advance to Texas All-State Choir

Ranchview Choir Students Advance to Texas All-State Choir

Ranchview High School Singers Make All-State Choir for 2018!

Ten students from Ranchview High School competed at the University of Texas at Arlington on Jan. 13. Please congratulate the following Ranchview Choir students on their success, hard work, and advancement into the Texas All-State Choir:

Jaela Whitfield placed 1st Chair, Alto, SSC All-State Mixed Choir, Romali Fernando placed 3rd Chair, Soprano, SSC All-State Mixed Choir, Zach Douglas placed 3rd Chair, Tenor, SSC All-State Mixed Choir, and Desmond Henderson – 1st Alternate (4th chair), Bass, SSC All-State Mixed Choir.

This is the first time in Ranchview history that the choir has had a first chair, as well as a repeat All-State student, so a big congratulations goes to Jaela Whitfield for this great accomplishment!

Jaela, Romali, and Zach will perform at the TMEA Convention at 2:00p.m. on Saturday, February 17th at the San Antonio Convention Center.

Click here to see what else is going on at Ranchview

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Sorority Recruitment Forum

This is for all CFBISD high school girls interested in joining a sorority while in college!  Parents and female students are encouraged to attend the Sorority Recruitment Forum.

The session will provide information on recruitment and how to get recommendation letters.  Northwest Dallas Suburban Alumnae Panhellenic is a support network of sorority alums in our area that serve our CFB students.

The information session and the support services are all free!

When: Sunday, February 11, 2018

Where: St. Andrew United Methodist Church, 5801 Plano Parkway, Plano (Smith Hall enter on NE Entrance)

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CFBISD’s 3rd Annual African-American Read-In

CFBISD's 3rd Annual African American Read-InThe directors of English language arts and reading, invite you, your students, and staffs to join us for CFB’s third annual African American Read-In, which will be held at Barbara Bush Middle School on Tuesday, February 6, at 6:00 p.m.  Please bring one of your favorite selections written by an African American author to read or perform at this event.

We are joining the National Council of Teachers of English, its Black Caucus, and others by hosting this literary event during Black History Month.  It will be our pleasure to add your name to this list of readers for the National African American Read-In, the nation’s first and oldest event dedicated to diversity in literature.

If you need suggestions about popular reading selections, please visit the NCTE website or Click HERE.  Just scroll down to the events, and click on the African American Read-In, where you can find a wealth of information about this event, its history, and its national appeal.

We hope that you will be able to join us; we look forward to seeing you at the event.

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Parent Education – Social Media & Internet Safety (NOT for Students)

Parent Education, Social Media & Internet Safety

Social Media & Internet Safety

January 31, 2018
6:30 pm – 7:30 pm

ESDC Building B – Texas Room
1820 Pearl St. Carrollton 75006

This presentation is NOT for students

Free childcare for children 3 years and older

Presented in English & Spanish

Contact Information: Bridgit Basel

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Major Announcement by CFBISD

Dr. Bobby Burns, Superintendent of the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District, will be on hand on Monday, January 22 at Standridge Stadium to make a major announcement.

Major Announcement in CFBISD, letters in front of view of Earth from Space

CFBISD would like to invite you to watch this event LIVE on our Facebook Channel at

You are not going to want to miss it.

This announcement will change the future of CFBISD and have a major, positive impact on our students.

Click Here to View Facebook Live Invite

  • What: Major Announcement by CFBISD
  • When: Monday, January 22 at 10 AM
  • Where: View it on the CFBISD Facebook Channel
  • Who: Dr. Bobby Burns and CFBISD Students and Staff

Visit Our CFB REVEAL SITE for the Official Countdown

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Divers Wrap Up 2017

Divers Wrap Up 2017

Divers Wrap Up 2017CFB divers wrap up 2017 in a bow for the season. While these athletes from across the district had their last meet for 2017, senior swimmers and divers were recognized for their performance.

Diving results are as follows


  1. Elizabeth Feezor – Creekview – 84.60
  2. Deana Popvic – Newman Smith – 77.45
  3. Sridevi Gundimeda – Ranchview – 61.75
  4. Amanda Lemus – R. L. Turner – 58.70
  5. Casandra Lopez – R. L. Turner – 48.35


  1. Nate Phillips -R. L. Turner – 135.90
  2. Carlos PruelHomme -R. L. Turner – 123.60
  3. Napolean Ferrer – Newman Smith – 121.65
  4. Juan Palomo -R. L. Turner – 116.50
  5. Steven Fry – Newman Smith – 104.25
  6. Austin Zercher – Ranchview – 100.30
  7. Sangmyeong Lee – Creekview – 71.80
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