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Children’s Health Offers Free Virtual Health Care for CFBISD Families

free healthcare for CFBISD students

Children’s Medical and the Metrocrest Hospital Authority Offer Free Virtual Healthcare

Children’s Health is partnering with Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD to provide you and your family with safe access to telehealth and telebehavioral health services from the safety and comfort of your home. Starting June 1, 2020 through August 1, 2020, we are offering all Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD families Urgent Care and Behavioral Health Care Virtual Visits for children and adults through the Virtual Visit app by Children’s HealthSM Virtual Care. The cost of the virtual visits is being covered by Metrocrest Hospital Authority, and there will be no charge to you when you use code CFBISD. Adults and students are able to securely video chat with a provider about illnesses, injuries and mental health by accessing the web portal or downloading the mobile app at

  • To conduct an urgent care virtual visit for children and adults, please go to to view step by step videos on how to download and to log in to the Virtual Visit app.
  • To conduct a behavioral health virtual visit for adults, please go to to view step by step videos on how to download and log in to the Virtual Visit app.
  • To conduct a behavioral health virtual visit for children, please call 844-856-6926 to schedule an appointment with a Children’s Health Care Manager.

Remember to use the code CFBISD for all services so that there is no charge to you.

Thank you for trusting us with your child’s health care.

Virtual Health Contact in CFBISD

Sandra Lieck – Phone: 972-968-6512 –

Virtual Behavioral Health Contact in CFBISD

Lynn Torres – Phone: 972-968-6559 –

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Graduation at Texas Motor Speedway

Graduation Plans in Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD

CFBISD graduation

Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD is excited to announce that graduation ceremonies for the Class of 2020 will be held at the Texas Motor Speedway in Fort Worth, Texas. The ceremonies will take place as follows:

Saturday, May 30 at Texas Motor Speedway

  • 8:00 AM – Early College High & Ranchview High
  • 11:00 AM – Newman Smith High
  • 3:00 PM – Creekview High
  • 7:00 PM – RL Turner High

CFBISD Graduations Streaming Live from TMS

Live Graduation Streams CFBISD

Below is a list of all the live stream information for each Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD graduation ceremony:

Early College High School + Ranchview High School: 

– WATCH LIVE on May 30:

Creekview High School: 

– WATCH LIVE on May 30:

RL Turner High School:

– WATCH LIVE on May 30:

Newman Smith High School: 

– WATCH LIVE on May 30:

Please Note: We will be required to follow the guidelines and procedures for vehicle, outdoor graduation ceremonies as outlined by the governor and the Texas Education Agency. As such, only a limited number of guests/family members will be allowed to attend to ensure social distancing protocols are followed. Guests allowed  will vary per campus due to the size of the graduating class. Ticket information is outlined in the Commencement FAQ attached. Additionally, graduation information and the Commencement FAQ will also be posted at

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Valedictorian & Salutatorian of Early College High School

Catly Luu, Valedictorian

Catly Luu, daughter of Linh Thuy Luu IX, plans to attend the University of Texas at Dallas to major  in Biology and pursue a career in neurology. She served on the Student Executive Council as the vice president in  201 9  and secretary in  2020, was a member of I.G.N.I.T.E. and was involved with the Fine Arts Club. Congratulations, Catly!

Kaylee Viveros, Salutatorian

Kaylee Viveros, daughter of Fabiola Acevedo, plans to attend Southern Methodist University or  the University  of California-Berkeley to major in Pre-Med Neuroscience and/or Political Science. She was the co-founder and  vice president of the Fine Arts Club, served on the  Student Executive Council during her freshman year, serving as co-founder and  vice president. Kaylee was also named a 201 9 -2020 National Horatio Alger Scholar. Congratulations, Kaylee!

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Valedictorian & Salutatorian of Ranchview High School

Lindsie Darvin, Valedictorian

Lindsie Darvin, daughter of William and Cristina Darvin, plans to attend Texas A&M University to major in Biomedical Engineering. She was involved in the choir and theater programs a l l four years, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, National Honor Society, Spanish National Honor Society, International Thespian Society, the Chemistry Club, Student Council, Drama Club, and organized a team for Walk MS. She a lso was on the A Honor Roll a l l  four

years, All-State Choir member, Academic Excellence Award in IB Math, IB Physics, and IB HOA, a three-time Leader of the Pack Award winner, CFB Student of the Month, and earned a superior rating at state solo & ensemble contest. Congratulations,  Lindsie!

Shriya Maddi, Salutatorian

Shriya Maddi, daughter of Ravi Maddi and Sailu Kotha, plans to attend The University of Texas at Austin to major in Neuroscience. She was a member of the tennis, dance, and swim teams, band, debate, National Honor Society, and Chemistry Club. Shriya a lso was an A Honor Roll Student, state solo and ensemble participant, region and area-level band participant, and was presented the presidential award for Save the Child Organization. Congratulations, Shriya!

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Valedictorian & Salutatorian of R.L. Turner High School

Abigail Steed, Valedictorian

Abigail Steed, daughter of Alan and Melissa Steed, plans to attend Baylor University to major in Neuroscience and  pursue a career as a doctor in neurology. She was captain of the Lionettes, a HOSA – Future Health Professionals – officer, and  a  member of  the  National Honor Society. She  a lso was on the Superintendent Advisory Council, a member of the R. L. Turner Student Advisory Board, and received a National Honor Society scholarship. Congratulations, Abigail!

Isha Murugesan, Salutatorian

Isha Murugesan, daughter of Murugesan Paramasivam and Rashmi Murugesan, plans to attend University of North Texas to major in Computer Science. She was a founding member and president of Girls in STEM, a member of the orchestra (violin), and was involved with the National Honor Society. Isha was also a National Merit finalist, is a Black Belt in karate, and is a member of Mu Alpha Theta. Congratulations, Isha!

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Valedictorian & Salutatorian of Newman Smith High School

Alan Vuong, Valedictorian

Alan Vuong, son of Tracy Lo & Hue Vuong, plans to attend The University of Texas at Austin to major in Biochemistry and pursue a career as a geneticist. He was president of orchestra, vice president of National Honor Society, and secretary of Exec. Alan earned a superior rating at state solo & ensemble contest three times, All Region honors in orchestra three times, and State honors for DECA during his senior year. Congratulations, Alan!

Hannah Katherine Brown, Salutatorian

Hannah Katherine Brown, daughter of Todd & Tonya  Brown, plans to attend Texas Tech University to major in Pre-Law and pursue a career as an attorney. She was a member of the National Honor Society, debate team, and band. Hannah a lso competed in the Lincoln Douglas Debate Speech tournament at Mc Murry University, taking third place. Congratulations, Hannah!

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Valedictorian & Salutatorian of Creekview High School

Bismah Syed

Bismah Syed, Valedictorian

Bismah Syed, daughter of Farah and Aqeel Syed, plans to attend The University of Texas at Austin to major in Neuroscience and pursue a career in medicine. She was a member of the Senior Executive Committee (President), National Honor Society (Secretary), Student Council, and the National Spanish Honor Society. Bismah a lso received accolades for excellence in Pre AP Biology, outstanding in Art, excellence in Spanish 2 , Einstein-Curie Crimson Honor for Thinking, AP Scholar Award, excellence in Pre AP Spanish 3 , AP Scholar Award with Distinction, Superintendent Advisory Council, multiple art participation awards, A Honor Roll.

Bethany Merino, Salutatorian

Bethany Merino, daughter of Stephen and Lisa Merino, plans to attend Oklahoma State University to major in Strategic Communications and pursue a career in the communications field. She was a member of the orchestra where she served as both president and vice president, was the MVP of the A Capella Choir, and was vice president of the Senior Executive Committee. Bethany  was a National Merit Commended Scholar, and a member of the National Honor Society. Congratulations, Bethany!

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Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD receives recognition for Summer Meal Programs

CARROLLTON, Texas –  More than half of the children in North Texas receive free or reduced-price meals during the school year, but although these children are all eligible, only a fraction currently get meals in the summertime through the federal Summer Food Service Program (SFSP).

The Excellence in Summer Meals Campaign (ESMC) is a project of the Texas Hunger Initiative, the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) and United Way of Metropolitan Dallas to recognize Summer Meals sponsoring organizations that are utilizing best practices in programming, operations, food quality, outreach and marketing.  The project conducted site visits, interviews with site coordinators, reviewed meal plans, and much more.  On February 28, 2020, twenty-eight (28) summer feeding sponsors were recognized for their outstanding and comprehensive programs.  Carrollton Farmers Branch ISD, Student Nutrition Department received the Silver Sponsor distinction.

Students’ nutrition needs, don’t end with the last day of school.  CFBISD is proud to provide healthy and delicious meals to children during summer months to maintain optimal health and well-being.   During the summer 2019, Carrollton Farmers Branch operated fourteen (14) feeding sites in which they served over 12,500 breakfast and 27,300 lunches to children ages 1- 18.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider. 

For more information about the Excellence in Summer Meals Campaign, contact Catherine Nicholson, THI North Texas Regional Director at

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