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Tag Archives | R.L. Turner

R.L. Turner’s Health Occupational Students of America Heading to Internationals

R.L. Turner’s HOSA Moving to Internationals

R.L. Turner’s Health Occupational Students of America (HOSA) is for students who are interested in participating in the medical field.  Members participate in a series of competitions at a local, state, and international level to showcase their talents and acquire rewards.

Members can also participate in service projects in order to become involved with their community.  This year, members will participate in Biomedical Debate, Pharmacology, Public Service Announcement, Veterinary Science, Transcultural Healthcare, and Medical Terminology, and HOSA Chapter Reflection.

To advance to Area, members take a written test to demonstrate their knowledge; once they get to Area, they show their practical skills in front of judges and compete with schools all across North Texas. Many of the members got the opportunity to attend the State conference in Corpus Christi, and to compete with the HOSA competitors in the State of Texas.

HOSA Chapter Reflection collects pictures of all things pertaining to HOSA and makes a scrapbook about the entire R.L. Turner HOSA participation, then it’s judged on an area, state and international level. Turner is now advancing to International level! We also have members participating in the National Service Project (NSP) and Barbara James Service Award (BJSA). Participants must raise a sum of money and volunteer a number of hours in their event.

This year, all of our service project participants acquired enough money and hours to be recognized in the International Leadership Conference, which will take place in Orlando at our international level. All competitors and participants have put forth their best work, and we look forward to next year’s opportunities.

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R.L. Turner Teacher & Student Receive Lamar Award of Excellence

2017 14th District MWSA Lamar Awards

On Wednesday, March 29th, the Masonic Lodge of Dallas Texas came together to honor public education, and those dedicated to it in the 2017 Lamar Awards.  One of R.L. Turner’s very own educators, Carolyn Lane, received the Lamar Award of Excellence.  Also receiving the award was R.L. Turner student, Emely Pena.  The Lamar Award of Excellence is awarded to students and educators in recognition of outstanding personal achievement in academics, citizenship, community service, or sports.  The award ceremony was held at the Scottish Rite Cathedral in Downtown Dallas.

Congratulations Carolyn & Emely on your outstanding achievement!

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R.L. Turner Student Honored by University of Texas at Dallas

R.L. Turner Student Honored by University of Texas at Dallas

R.L. Turner Student Receives Honorable Mention Award

Computer Science student, Taylor Riley, was honored last night at the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) with an honorable mention award from the National Center for Women in Information Technology (NCWIT).  She applied for it in September.  The NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing honors high school women who are active and interested in computing and technology.

This multi-tiered competition includes recognition at the national and local level.  In February, Taylor was notified that she had been selected as a 2017 DFW Affiliate Honorable Mention for the NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing. Recipients are chosen for their demonstrated interest and achievements in computing; leadership ability; academic history; and plans for post-secondary education. Last night was the award ceremony at UTD, there were about 19 girls.  Taylor received an engraved award for herself and one to give to her school.

Congratulations Taylor and good luck on all your future endeavors!

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