English IV Course Description: In this course, students will read and write on a daily basis. Text studies focus on the comparing and contrasting of universal themes in contemporary and traditional works from a variety of cultures and countries, including traditional British works. Students will analyze the effects of literary devices in literary non-fiction, expository, and persuasive texts, and will conduct an advanced study of media literacy, including the development of a visual media. The course emphasizes self-selected texts and collaborative discussions focused on student-directed comprehension, interpretation, and analysis work. Students will develop multi-draft and multi-page essays, including an argument essay, interpretive response, and philosophy essay.
Length: 2 Semesters (Semester A/Semester B)
*Students must have completed Semester A to begin Semester B.
Credits: 1.0
*Principal approval required before enrolling in this course.
**Student must be entering or in grades 10th or higher to take this course.