Standardized Dress for Perry Middle School
The color chart on this page accurately represents the approved uniform colors.
Students who violate the DeWitt Perry Middle School dress code and require frequent and ongoing correction from the administration team will be deemed insubordinate. Consequences for insubordination will be considered serious. Administrative time is very valuable and is best spent working with staff on outstanding curriculum and instructional delivery rather than regularly students about dress code issues.
This information has been provided to assist parents in shopping for school clothes that meet the DeWitt Perry Middle School student standardized dress policy as approved by the Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD Superintendent, Dr. John E. Chapman III. The building administrative team will have the final authority as to compliance with dress policy.

- Black or Khaki
- Docker-style or jeans-style slacks or shorts
- Skirts and shorts no more than 3 inches above the knee
- Jeggings, leggings and yoga pants may be worn under other pants but not worn as pants and must be black or khaki
- Athletic pants or shorts are not allowed
- No skinny jeans or tight fitting pants
- No torn or frayed, baggy or ripped bottoms
- Must fit at the waist and undergarments not visible
- DeWitt Perry t-shirt must be worn every day
- DeWitt Perry t-shirt must be worn under any sweatshirt, hoodie or outer jacket
- Shirt must be long enough to cover stomach and back when arms are raised and when seated
- Undergarments not visible
- College shirts and CFBISD high school shirts may be worn on FRIDAYS ONLY
- NO professional teams are allowed
Sweatshirts, Sweaters, Hoodies
- Must be solid colors, no stripes, no wording, no designs Matt: or logos ex. Nike “swoosh” not allowed
- Must be size appropriate
- Must be solid black, red, white or DeWitt Perry
- College sweatshirts and CFBISD high school jackets and sweatshirts may be worn on FRIDAYS ONLY
- NO professional teams are allowed
- No heels, only flats
- Closed toe shoes, tennis shoes preferred for safety
- No flip flops or slide sandals
Coats & Cold Weather Attire
- All coats and jackets must meet CFBISD dress code
- Any coat or jacket may be worn to and from school during cold weather. All coats and jackets will be carried and not worn during instructional time.
- Blankets are not appropriate to bring to school
- Must be neat, clean and in a non-distracting design
- Designs shaved into hair must be school appropriate. Designs may not condone or represent drugs, gangs, alcohol, profanity, violence, obscenity, or anything deemed inappropriate by school administration.
- Non-natural hair color will be at the discretion of the principal
- Students may not wear the following: tongue piercings, lip rings, nose rings, ear gauges/spacers or facial decorations
- Students may, however wear one, small nose stud
- No decorative teeth coverings or teeth jewelry
- Caps, hats, bandannas, hair rollers/curlers or similar grooming items shall not be worn by students in the building
- Earbuds are not to worn in the hallway
- Hoods are not to worn in the building
For additional information, please contact Perry Middle School at 972-968-4400