Shirt Options
- Vivian Field T-Shirts
- Vivian Field Dress Polo with Logo
- Solid Polo style in grey, navy blue, royal blue, white, or black
Pant Options
- Classic style in Navy blue, khaki, or black
- Top of pants should rest within two inches of waist
- Pants deemed too tight may be asked to be changed
- Denim pants allowed on special, reward days
- Cuts on pant legs (by design) can be up to 2 inches in length)
- Pant leg hems should be sewed closed
Skirts/Shorts/Skorts/Capris Options
- Can be khaki, navy blue, or black in color
- Length shall be 4 inches above the knee or longer
- Tightness deemed distracting may be asked to be changed
- Denim material allowed on special, reward days
Sweatshirt Options
- Vivian Field/Turner/feeder elementary sweatshirts
- Solid color white, black, grey, royal blue or navy blue sweatshirt
- Logos must be small enough to be covered by two fingers
- In order to promote the safety and security within our campus, students will be asked to only wear the hoods of hoodies outside the building.
Out of Dress Code Violations
- Baggy or saggy style pants / shorts
- Pants / shorts with extra-large pockets
- Soccer or Athletic Pants
- Pants that are not hemmed or longer than the bottom of heel
- Pants or shirts with holes or frayed
- Open-toed shoes
Hair and Grooming
- Student’s hair will comply with the district dress code as stated in the Student and Parent Handbook / Code of Conduct.
- Hair shall be of natural or non-distracting color. Symbols, numbers, or letters may not be shaved into hair. Full beards are not permitted. Mustaches, goatees, and sideburns are permitted provided they are neatly trimmed.
Per District Dress Code:
Dress Code
The district establishes dress and grooming guidelines so that instruction and activities are not disrupted.
We expect the dress of all students to meet community standards and school policies with regard to safety, health, cleanliness and appearance.
Some basics to remember include:
- Shoes must be worn at all times.
- All apparel must fit properly and must be worn in the appropriate manner intended.
- Shorts can be worn provided they are not cut-off, athletic shorts, boxer shorts and/or are made of spandex. Shorts or skirts should be no shorter than four inches from the top of the knee or shorts should be no longer than the knee. Shorts must be hemmed and frays must be stitched.
- Clothing items with provocative, offensive, violent, or drug-related pictures or slogans as well as those advertising alcoholic beverages or tobacco products should not be worn to school.
Please note that all building administrative decisions regarding student dress are final. Students who disregard the dress code will be subject to disciplinary interventions.
The district’s complete dress code is outlined in the annual Student Handbook and the Code of Student Conduct. The Code of Student Conduct is distributed at the beginning of the school year.
*After receiving parental input and School Board approval, students at a number of campuses wear school uniforms and/or standardized dress.
Cell Phone Policy
Campus Technology Policy
Cell phones and other electronic devices are not to be used in the building or on the school grounds during the school day, with the exception of the school cafeteria. Student may use their phones in the cafeteria before school and during lunch only. The school day is from 9:00 am-4:15 pm. Use, display, or evidence of possession of a paging or cellular device in the school building between
the hours of 9:00 am and 4:15 pm will result in confiscation of the device. These items may be retrieved for a $15 fee. (Cash Only)
This policy is in accordance with Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District’s Acceptable Use for Technology Resources agreement, Vivian Field Middle School – page two of the Acceptable Use agreement.
Note from the Principal: Through Vivian Field’s social-emotional homeroom program we understand the need adolescents have to be supported in executive functions, or, decision making skills. Personal technology can be a significant distraction even for mature adults. Since cell phones are allowed only during lunch and are considered a privilege, we may arrive at the decision to suspend the lunch privilege option. Reasons for doing so are related to below examples, though this is not an exhaustive list:
- Excessive tardies or absences
- Disruptive classroom conduct or impeding the learning of others
- Removal from class by a teacher or substitute
- Frequent use of public profanity at school
- Failure to comply with school expectations and rules
We understand that digital communication is frequent between parents and children, but our front office staff is well versed in handling emergency calls that you may need to make to your child during the school day. If your child has their cafeteria access privilege suspended, the phone can simply be checked into my office for safe and secure keeping from the time he/she arrives at school in the morning until the afternoon dismissal bell.
It’s my sincere hope and goal that your child could earn back his/her cafeteria access privilege if that circumstance arose and greatly improve his/her academic progress and/or conduct patterns. Please contact me if you have questions or concerns. I want to partner with you for the utmost benefit of your child.