Morning Arrival and Drop-off Procedures
The building will open to students beginning at 8:10 am each day. Prior to 8:10 am there is no Staff supervision but students may wait in an orderly fashion in the Memory Garden Area near the Cafeteria until the building is opened.
Walkers: Students who walk to campus are expected to use the sidewalks at all times and should avoid cutting across parking lots or grassy areas.
Bus Riders: Busses will enter the Visitor lot at the front entrance. Parent entry and drop off will not be permitted in this lot. To maintain safety of all students this will be a BUS ENTRANCE ONLY.
Car Riders: Parents should follow the ONE WAY road along the perimeter of the parking lot to drop off students near the Cafeteria/Memory Garden area.
At 8:10 am Students will be directed to enter the building through Cafeteria Doors to engage in one or more of the following activities:
- Breakfast (Students may attend tutorials after eating breakfast if finished before 8:40 am)
- Tutorials (Students must arrive prior to 8:40 am to be able to attend tutorials)
- Cafeteria Seating
- Band/Orchestra/Choir Tutorials (ONLY students participating in these programs may be permitted to enter the building through the exterior Fine Arts Hall Doorsto attend their Fine Arts tutorials. Entry time is determined by the Fine Arts program directors.
Students are dismissed from the Cafeteria and tutorials to their 1st period class at 8:55 am.
Students arriving to campus after 9:00 am are considered Tardy or Late to school. Students arriving late should enter through the main entrance to the building and are required to sign in at the Attendance Office.
After School Dismissal Procedures
- Bus Lot– The circle drive providing access to the south side or front of the building, and
- Family Pick-up Loop– Located on the East side of the building providing access to the Cafeteria, Gymnasium and Track area.
Walkers: Students who walk home from school should exit the doors near the main office in front of the building. Students should leave campus immediately once exiting the building. Loitering on the premises or re-entry into the building will not be permitted.
Bus Riders: Bus riders will exit the exit the doors near the main office in front of the building. Students should wait to board their assigned bus in an orderly fashion on the grass area adjacent to the circle drive. Families will not be allowed access to the front parking lot during afterschool dismissal. This lot is designated for BUS Entrance Only.
Bus Behavior Expectations – Students are expected to:
- Sit in his/her assigned seat and remain seated at all times while the bus is in operation.
- Keep hands, feet, arms, head and personal belongings inside the bus at all times.
- Obey the bus driver at all times.
Students choosing to not follow behavior expectations will be subject to Administrative discipline. Persistent misconduct may result in loss of bus privileges.
Car Riders: Students that are car riders will be picked up in the Family Pick-Up Loop only. Students will exit the building through the Cafeteria doors to wait for their ride on the East side of the building. Families will not be allowed access to the front parking lot during afterschool dismissal. This lot is designated for BUS Entrance Only. Students are expected to wait on the sidewalk area surrounding the Memory Garden Area for parents to arrive. Students will only be permitted to enter their vehicle from the curb closest to the building or after crossing the lot at the cross walk (at the direction of BBMS Staff) to enter the vehicle from the parking lot.
After school pick- up lines can sometimes be long and appear to move slowly because of the large number of car riders. Parents are expected to follow the established ONE-WAY traffic flow and exercise patience with the dismissal process. Following the directions of the BBMS Staff support student safety and orderly dismissal.