Welcome to The Odyssey website!
Newspaper Adviser: Imelda McClure-Flores
Phone number: 972-968-6815
Email: mcclurei@cfbisd.edu
Newspaper I, II, & III are combined classes where students (10th-12th grade) participate in the production of a newspaper(s). Anyone with an interest is encouraged to join but must obtain adviser approval for acceptance into the program. The paper remains under the supervision and guidance of the instructor, but students are encouraged to report on topics of interest and current events.
Students learn and apply skills in a classroom setting that simulate a real-world, newsroom experience while using industry standard computers and software (iMac, InDesign, Photoshop, etc.). Some of the basic skills learned are: news writing, feature writing, opinion writing, elements of design, advertising, marketing, photography, collaboration, managing deadlines, etc.
Freshmen interested in journalism should take Journalism1. Students are introduced to both newspaper and yearbook to determine interest. Journalism1 does not require adviser approval.
Please contact the instructor for any questions or comments.