Parent’s behaviors can motivate teens, and it is good to talk with your teen about important values. Following are values to demonstrate and communicate with your teenager:
- Be clear about rules and why you have them.
- Not everything has to become a discussion or problem. Choose your battles.
- Have negotiable and non negotiable rules. (non negotiable rules are those that involve the physical safety and emotional and mental well being of your teen and the core family values)
- Listen to your teen’s hopes and dreams.
- Help them learn from their mistakes.
- Teach respect by being respectful. Always model the behavior.
- Explain why you don’t want your teen to smoke, drink, use drugs, or have sex.
- Teach teens to stand up for themselves without hurting others.
- Listen instead of lecturing.
- Compliment your teens and acknowledge the good things they do. Pointing out the good things is the best way to prevent bad behavior.
- Connect them to their cultural and family roots.
- Make sure they help around the house.
- Encourage them to contribute to the community.
- Let teens know you expect the best from them.
- Have fun together.
- Teach respect for privacy.
- It’s okay when you disagree. This is how teens learn to think for themselves. See conflicts as something positive where they are learning to express themselves.
- Expect them to be part of family activities.
- Don’t take it personally, remember they are teens and are growing up.
- Let them know and feel that you will always be there for them, no matter what happens.
- Let them know that you love them by telling them so.
Never give up. Your teen needs you more than ever!