Locate a minimum of 5 sources.
A minimum of 3 should be books.
There may be more than 2 internet sources, but there must be 3 books.
- Wikipedia, Encyclopedia Britannic, and World Book are not considered academic sources at this level
- PBS is an excellent website.
- Most websites that end in . gov are academic sources
- Google Scholar is an academic search engine.
Create a page for each source. Place the correct MLA works cited information at the top of each page.
Locate appropriate research from that source.
There may be SHORT quotes.
Facts should be shortened and paraphrased in your own words.
Each fact should have a parenthetical reference at the end of the statement. (See example)
There should be a minimum of 75-100 facts.
Summer Contact Information
I will be out of town from June 8-14 and July 8-21.
I may not be able to check my email during those dates.