Summer Reading Assignment History of the Americas Year 1 (Juniors)
10 Days that Unexpectedly Changed America
by Steven M. Gillon
Barnes and Noble,
Amazon, Half Price Books
The summer reading assignment will constitute the first major grade for HOA and will be due Tuesday, August 28, 2018.
The first week of school we will do activities in class that relate to the book.
On Tuesday, August 28, be prepared to participate in a Socratic seminar over 10 Days that Unexpectedly Changed America.
- Create bullet point answers to the following questions.
- Be prepared to discuss the questions with your classmates.
- Support your answer with specific facts from the relevant chapter.
- What day changed the United States the most? Why?
- What day changed the United States the least? Why?
- What day immediately had the most impact? Why?
- What day had the greatest long term impact? Why?
- What day was the most surprising? Why?