IB French 4 – Summer 2018 Assignments
Madame Brigitte Sherrill – Ranchview High School
I am SO EXCITED that you are going to continue your study of French and become even more bilingual or even trilingual! I’m sure that you will have plenty to do during the summer, but taking a little time here and there to do some French will help you get off to a faster start in the fall and keep you from forgetting so much. You will need to complete both activities described below before school begins August 20, 2018.
Activity One – Be a French VLOGGER!
Choose three days at different points this summer, and vlog your day or your week. Here are the requirements for each of the vlogs:
- be 2 minutes long
- tell and show where you are and what is around you
- tell and show what you are doing (présent)
- tell what you’ve already done (passé composé)
- tell what you are going to do (futur)
- be saved on your Google Drive
- be shared with Mme Sherrill by Sunday, August 19, 2018, at 9 pm
Vlogging will help you practice your verbs, use and expand your vocabulary, and get you more comfortable with speaking. IT IS FINE TO MAKE MISTAKES! Your speaking should flow as naturally as possible, including hestitations and self-corrections. DON’T read off a script.
If you’re not sure what to do, look at your notes from levels 1 and 2 to give you an idea of topics you can easily cover in your vlog. For example, you might want to go to a restaurant with family or friends for one episode or go shopping in a clothing store or grocery store. Just use what you know!
Activity Two – What in the world? Find out what’s going on! fun en français
Here are the requirements:
- Read about three current events from trustworthy news sources with each event coming from a different Francophone country.
- Use PowerPoint or Google slides to create one slide per current event. Each slide should have:
- a photo to accompany the article
- the source
- a 5-sentence summary in French
- Share your slides with Mme Sherrill by Sunday, August 19, 2018, at 9 pm.
If you’re ever bored this summer or just want to do something else for fun with French
- Check out French or bilingual English / French children’s books at the library. (Children’s books are great for learning vocabulary and sentence patterns!)
- Listen to songs in French while looking at the lyrics. Try to sing along for pronunciation and/or figure out what the lyrics mean.
- Watch movies with French subtitles or watch movies in French with English subtitles.
- Look for blogs in French to follow on topics of interest to you: soccer players, designers, artists, etc. from Francophone countries.
- Check out www.1jour1actu.com for news in French.
- Use Duolingo on your phone.
- Add Francophone newspapers to your Twitter feed for current event headlines.