Club Host: Mr Farr
The Rosemeade choirs, directed by Mr. Farr, are comprised of all 4th and 5th grade students. We meet during music class in the music room. There is a 4th grade choir and a 5th grade choir. The 4th grade choir performs at the annual Black History Month Program in February and the 5th grade choir performs during the annual April PTA meeting. We learn, rehearse, and perform a variety of songs and styles for the school, parents, and community. Go roadrunners!
Green Team
Club Host: Mrs. Rollerson
To qualifty for Green Team, 4th grade students must submit an application in the fall. Students who are selected are responsible for emptying one recycle bin for the entire school year. Green Team is more comparable to a service organization than a club, and we do not have meetings on a regular basis.
Special Ensemble
Club Host: Mr. Farr
The Rosemeade special ensemble, directed by Mr. Farr, is a performing group available to 5th grade students. We meet every Wednesday morning from 7:15 – 7:40 AM in the music room. We learn, rehearse and perform a variety of songs and styles. We will prepare fun and engaging musical material to present to stakeholders. This ensemble is a time for extra musical learning, collaboration, and presentation. Go roadrunners!
Relay Track Team
Club Host: Coach Castillo
The Relay Track Team is for 5th grade students. This club meets after school from 3:10 – 4:10 on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The Relay Track Team will practice for a five week period beginning in September. Practice ends with the CFBISD 5th grade track meet at the end of October.
Rosemeade Kids Club
Club Sponsors: Megan Inselmann and Ariska Polk
Mission Statement: To bring together students of differing abilities and create lasting friendships, provide an environment of inclusivity and understanding of differences, and social opportunities for students to grow as individuals and as a community.
Who: Students in grades 1-5 must submit an application.
When: The club will meet during various times throughout the school year.
Safety Patrol
Club Host: Mr. Farr
This club meets before school from 7:15 – 7:30 AM every day. This club is open to any 4th or 5th grade student at Rosemeade. We discuss the importance of safety rules, responsibilities, and duties of safety patrol team at our first meeting. Applications may be picked up from Mr. Farr in the music room. Teams of students will be carefully chosen for this honor and be placed in a student group. Two separate times, each group will be on duty for approximately four weeks during the school year. Details are on the Safety Patrol board outside the music room. Go roadrunners!