We are a standardized dress campus. Please refer to the following when purchasing school clothes.
- Khaki or Navy Blue only
- Must be worn at the waist (no sagging)
- Shorts may not be worn more than 4 inches above the knee
- Sweatpants, warm-up pants, or athletic style shorts may not be worn
- Jeans may only be worn on Fridays
- Skirts/Jumpers may be no more than 4 inches above the knee
- Skirts/Jumpers must be khaki or navy blue only
- Girls should wear tights or leggings under all skirts /dresses
- Leggings or jeggings may be worn on *free-dress Fridays if the shirt drapes to mid-thigh
- Polo style white, hunter green, navy blue, or red
- Must not be any other shade of green or blue
- Should not have another school’s logo
- Any Riverchase, Bush Middle School, or Ranchview High School spirit shirt or college t-shirt may be worn on Fridays only. College shirts may also be worn on progress note and report card days. The spirit shirt or college t-shirt must be the appropriate size.
- Any shirt worn under spirit wear or polo style shirts must be white, navy blue, red or hunter green in color.
- Should be tucked so it is not longer than the polo style uniform shirt or spirit wear
Sweatshirts, Hoodies, Cardigans, Coats:
- Riverchase sweatshirts or hoodies may be worn in class throughout the day. The hood must remain down.
- Other cardigans, sweatshirts and hoodies may be worn only if they are the appropriate size and solid in color: navy blue, red, or hunter green.
- Any coat may be worn to and from school during cold weather. Coats will be stored in the classroom during the day.
- Child’s name should be written on the tag
- Hair, by color or design, may not create a distraction to the learning environment. If designs are shaved into the hair, they must be school appropriate and may not condone or represent drugs, gangs, alcohol, profanity, violence, obscenity, or anything deemed inappropriate by school administration
- Earrings should not be oversized or hang below the earlobe as this is a safety hazard.
- Necklaces should not be oversized. This will present a safety hazard.
Shoes must be closed-toe. House shoes or slippers are not appropriate for school. Flip flops are not appropriate for elementary students.
Free Dress Fridays are the first Friday of every month. Students may pay $2 to wear free dress.
Dates for Free Dress Fridays: 9/6, 10/4, 11/1, 12/6, 1/10, 2/7, 3/6, 4/3, 5/1
Final decisions on appropriateness of student dress will be determined by campus level administration.