School Schedule:
7:00 AM — Doors Open; Students will go to the gym
7:10 AM – 7:25 AM — Serving line open for breakfast
7:30 AM — Doors close for breakfast; All students are in the gym for morning announcements
Students must be in their classrooms before 7:40 AM
7:40 AM — Tardy bell rings; instruction begins
2:55 PM — Dismissal
School Hours:
School opens at 7:00 AM. School ends at 2:55 PM. Breakfast is served from 7:00 AM – 7:30 AM. Students report to the gym if they are not eating breakfast.
Students are marked tardy if they are not in class at 7:40 AM.
It is the parent’s duty to monitor the student’s school attendance and require the student to attend school (Texas Education Code §25.095).
State law requires children to be in attendance at least 90% of the total number of school days in order to be given credit for the academic school year and to be promoted to the next grade level (Texas Education Code §25.092).
Report Cards/Parent Conferences:
Report cards are issued every nine weeks. Progress reports are issued at the end of each 4 week marking period for all students K-5th grade. The district requires at least one scheduled parent/teacher conference before the end of the fourth nine weeks. Teachers will send out notices for sign up times prior to the conference date.
Check the calendar for dates that progress and report cards will be sent home. Please sign the envelopes and send back as soon as possible.
Parent Conferences can be requested by teachers and parents at any time mutually agreed upon.