I am Lisa Williams and this is my 20th year as Principal at Davis. I hold a bachelor’s degree in art and design from Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas, a master’s degree in elementary education from Texas A&M, and a mid-management certification from Texas Women’s University.
Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD has been my professional home for 32 years. I taught at McLaughlin and Rainwater for 6 years and then became an administrator at Kent followed by McKamy Elementary before being assigned as Principal at Davis in 2000.
Prior to teaching, I was an Account Executive with AT&T. Entering education from the business world created a mindset of customer service, continuous improvement, meeting standards, and creating systems for success, all of which influence my decisions daily in leading this school.
I am a very proud mother of one daughter, Leslie, who works with equine assisted counseling in Dallas. I love playing chase with my dog, Texas, eating dark chocolate, and traveling. I know without a doubt that I am in the right place fulfilling my life’s calling. Parents, thank you for entrusting me with your children for the time we have together.