Services for Students with Auditory Impairment (AI)
Services for students with Auditory Impairment (AI) provide educational support for students birth through 21 years of age who have significant hearing impairment that adversely impacts educational performance. Students may be served in one of the following ways:
- Students from birth to three years of age receive services in the home provided by an itinerant parent advisor.
- Students three through 21 years of age are served in CFBISD throughout the whole continuum of services including general education classes, with itinerant services provided by a certified teacher of the deaf.
- Regional Day School Program for the Deaf – A student who has a hearing impairment that adversely affects educational performance, even with recommended amplification, is eligible for consideration for placement in the regional day school program subject to ARD committee recommendation.
- Texas School for the Deaf, Austin, Texas – CFBISD, through the ARD process, may request the provision of services for eligible students through the Texas School for the Deaf. (Referrals from parents or legal guardians not processed through local ARD Committees may be accepted by the Texas School for the Deaf throughout the school year. Placement is contingent upon availability of sufficient resources to provide an appropriate education.)
Dr. Barbara Murphy, CFBISD audiologist