General Student Rules:
- Students must follow the rules of the Salazar Learning Center and the C-FB ISD Student Code of Conduct.
- The district’s policy for Acceptable Use for Technology Resources is in effect during placement and consequences may be assigned in accordance with policy.
- To ensure the safety of all students and staff, backpacks, purses or wallets, cell phones, electronic devices and money are not allowed on campus. All money brought to school will be put into the student’s cafeteria account.
- Gang associated activities, including attire, symbols, signs, gestures, etc. are strictly prohibited. Exhibiting such behavior could incite violence and will result in severe disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion.
- Salazar strives to maintain a positive environment for students and staff. Students must be in dress code when they enter the building, including wearing their Salazar ID at all times. Students will be asked to change any clothing that violates these standards and will not be allowed in the classroom until properly dressed.
- The district provides bus transportation to Salazar. Students who fail to follow the Riders Code of Conduct will receive disciplinary consequences up to and including removal from bus transportation (see p. 11 of the Student Code of Conduct). Students will not be able to ride the bus without proper school ID. No student vehicles are allowed on Salazar campus.
- According to Texas state law, all school campuses other than the DAEP campus are off limits to students during their placement period, including attendance at Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD extra-curricular activities on or off school property. Students violating this law are subject to criminal trespass charges and further discipline action.
Exiting From DAEP:
A review for exit from DAEP will be upon completion of the DAEP program requirements; however, non-attendance or lack of positive progress in behavior and academics may result in an extension of the placement time. Students may return to the home campus only after obligations for completion have been fulfilled. Students will always exit on Friday of the week in which placement is fulfilled and will be expected to enroll at the home school on the following Monday. Expulsion from the program can occur if the student chooses to violate the above guidelines or Student Code of Conduct.