Credit-by-Examination (CBE)
Students are encouraged to review the course study guides on the Texas Tech and University of Texas websites prior to testing. Some CBE require completion of assignments in advance of the testing date or other items that will need to be brought to testing. Please read carefully as this information is not always listed in the top section of the study guide. For example, English CBE tests typically require students to complete pre-reading activities in order to be successful on the test; History and Art CBE tests may require student work completed in advance and requirement for students to bring self-addressed stamped envelope. Study Guides & Tutorial Help:
All Avant World Language CBE are administered online. Students will be provided a headset during testing. Most languages require students to complete four sections: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The reading and listening questions will be in multiple choice format. However, in order to demonstrate a high mastery level of language skills, students are strongly encouraged to elaborate as much as possible on the writing/speaking sections in order to increase their chances for earning multiple years of high school credit. Sample tests are available at