The AVID Student
The AVID Elective
Not only are students enrolled in their school’s toughest classes, such as honors and Advanced Placement®, but also in the AVID elective. For one period a day, they learn organizational and study skills, work on critical thinking and asking probing questions, get academic help from peers and college tutors, and participate in enrichment and motivational activities that make college seem attainable. Their self-images improve, and they become academically successful leaders and role models for other students.
The AVID Curriculum
The AVID curriculum, based on rigorous standards, was developed by middle and senior high school teachers in collaboration with college professors. It is driven by the WICR method, which stands for writing, inquiry, collaboration, and reading. AVID curriculum is used in AVID elective classes, in content-area classes in AVID schools, and even in schools where the AVID elective is not offered.
The AVID Faculty
One key to a successful AVID program is a site coordinator/teacher who is a respected site instructional leader who works well with secondary school personnel and college students and faculty, who can organize curriculum as well as activities, and who is committed to serving the needs of target students. The coordinator also works with colleagues to implement AVID methodologies schoolwide, to place students in college preparatory curriculum, and to work with counselors to guide students through the college application process.
The AVID Tutor
Tutors are essential to the success of the AVID elective class, where they facilitate student access to rigorous curriculum. As students from colleges and universities, tutors receive formal training and also serve as role models. AVID students who continue their education in college often return to the program as tutors.
The AVID Parent
AVID parents encourage their students to achieve academically, participate on an advisory board and in AVID parent and site team meetings, and maintain regular contact with the AVID coordinator. Many parents and students participate in AVID Family Workshops.
State-funded, independent research, together with AVID’s own data, validate that the AVID college-readiness system works. Consider: AVID students are more likely to take AP classes, complete their college eligibility requirements, and get into four-year colleges than students who don’t take AVID. Almost all AVID students who participate for at least three years are accepted to college, with roughly three quarters getting into four-year universities. AVID also helps ensure students, once accepted to college, possess the higher-level skills they need for college success.
Professional Development
The AVID elective class is led by a teacher who’s been trained in the program’s methodologies. AVID’s Professional Development, however, goes further than that. Teachers and administrators from throughout the school and district attend AVID’s Summer Institutes, where they all learn techniques for bringing out the best in average students. This way, AVID students are supported in content-area classrooms as well as in the AVID elective, and even more students can benefit from AVID.
Colleges demonstrate their support of AVID programs in many ways. They may provide class speakers, offer college credit courses to AVID high school students, include AVID students in residential, academically-oriented summer bridge programs, and follow and support the progress of AVID students during their college careers. The community supports AVID by providing speakers and summer apprenticeships for AVID students.
Where is AVID?
AVID is at work in nearly 4,500 schools in 47 states as well as the District of Columbia and 16 countries/territories. Large urban schools, tiny rural schools, resource-rich suburban schools, struggling schools – they all find that AVID meets the needs of their students in the middle.
Who Pays for AVID?
School districts enter into agreements with AVID Center for materials, membership, and professional development. Districts provide public school teachers and tutors.
Who Directs The AVID Program?
AVID regional and district centers have been established to support districts.
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