The daily rate of pay is $100 for a full day and $50 for a half day.
- Less than four hours worked you get half daily rate
- Four hours or more worked you get a full day’s pay
Long Term Substitute Teacher Assignments
An assignment that will last a minimum of 16 consecutive days or more is considered a long term assignment. The pay rate is $100 per day and will increase on the 16th consecutive day to $125.
Please note: Every effort is made to place a substitute that is certified in the same field as the long-term teaching assignment.
Retired or Former certified C-FB teachers will receive $100 per day beginning the first day of employment as a substitute teacher.
Substitute Aide
Substitute classroom aides are paid $70 per day. An assignment that will last a minimum of 16 consecutive days or more is considered a long term assignment. The pay rate will increase to $90 on the 16th day and will remain until the end of that assignment or until there is an absence.
AppGarden online Substitute Training
The App Garden training is mandatory for all current and new substitute teachers. The link for this training will be given by Jennifer Vargas in the substitute office.
Contact Jennifer Vargas with any questions regarding App Garden training, call 972-968-6155 or email