Voluntary Retirement Savings Plan Options
403(b) Retirement Savings PIan
A 403(b) plan is available for all District employees. Employee contributions are made with pretax dollars into an investment account of your choice from a certified list through TCG Resource Partners (TCG).
Employees wishing to setup a 403(b) deduction through the District should go online to the TCG website at http://www.tcgservices.com lf you need assistance, please call TCG, at 800-943-9179.
ESC Region 10 457 Retirement Savings Plan
The 457 Cooperative is a retirement savings program that allows all employees to voluntarily put money aside for retirement. You choose what portion of your compensation you want deducted from your paycheck each pay period up to a maximum allowed by law. Your contributions are made on a pre-tax basis to allow you to save more dollars towards retirement.
To enroll, go to http://www.tcgservices.com and click on login, then follow the instructions for new participants. You can also contact TCG at 800-943-9179.
Please contact the district’s Benefits Office at 972-968-6167 if you have additional questions.
List of Eligible Investment Companies