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CHS Law Teams Are Duke Bound


CHS Law Teams are Duke Bound

CHS Law Teams Are Duke BoundFour CHS Law Teams are Duke Bound – a new record for Creekview High School. The four teams of students from the Creekview Law & Criminal Justice Academy will compete in the Duke University International Invitational Moot Court Tournament in March.

The four teams are:

Simon Peña and Alexis Phan
Joanna Boyer and Evan Miller
Amena Tep and Daniel Baldizon
Aileen Mai and Joey Bremer

The application process for this tournament involved teams writing a legal memorandum applying given law to a fact pattern involving a company seeking an injunction in an intellectual property dispute with a rival company.  The case students will argue in March involves international law and trade secrets.  These students are now preparing three different cases at the same time. They are preparing for; a civil age discrimination case for YMCA State at the end of next week, a criminal 4th amendment case for the Harlan Institute’s Virtual Competition at the end of February; and the international law case for Duke on March 23.