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CHS Artists Selected for 2018 Young Masters Exhibit


CHS Artists Selected for 2018 Young Masters Exhibit

CHS Artists Selected for 2018 Young Masters ExhibitFive artists from Creekview High School have had their artwork selected for the 2018 Young Masters Exhibit. The exhibit is hosted by the Dallas Museum of Art, the O’Donnell Foundation, and AP Strategies. This is the 24th year for the annual exhibit. The 2018 show will include 54 studio art works: 40 drawing/2D works; 14 3D works, 4 art history essays, and 6 music theory compositions.

While some highly quality work is not in the final selection, this is for specific reasons. This is done in an attempt to provide the public with a better understanding of the broad range of approaches in the three College Board AP portfolios. The judges began with over 560 digital submissions, and the 126 works selected for the preliminary round deserve special recognition for their confident articulation of form and ideas.

Selected Artists and Their Works

Malaki Askew, Frustration (Nickel and brass)
Denise Elizondo, Infection (Clay, acrylic paint)
Taskeen Zehra, Flamin’ Hot (Nickel, copper tubing, birthday candles)
David Lee, Stairs of Success (Pencil)
Luu Anh Pham, Anxiety (Pencil, food coloring)


# File Description File size
1 Askew_Malaki_sommerman 9 MB
2 elizondo_denise_sommerman 793 KB
3 leed_thomas 284 KB
4 phaml_thomas (drawing) 324 KB
5 Zehra Taskeen _sommerman (1) 352 KB