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Archive | International Baccalaureate

International Baccalaureate Students Give Through Service and Action

International Baccalaureate students give through service and action at Barbara Bush Middle School.  Each spring, IB students at Bush participate in a school wide charity project. Students raise funds and collect items for local charities as part of service in action. In years past, our students have helped Operation Kindness, The Children’s Cancer Fund, and Learning for Limbs. For 2018, Bush IB students are supporting the GenesisWomen’s Shelter with donations of toiletries, household goods, and gently used clothing. One 8th grade class (pictured) donated the most items over the course of 6 weeks. IB Coordinator, Tina Flatt, said of the effort, “We thank all IB students who brought donations for this most worthy organization.”

International Baccalaureate Students Give Through Service and Action

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RHS Student Wins IB Art Portfolio Scholarship

RHS Student Wins IB Art Portfolio Scholarship

RHS Student Wins IB Art Portfolio ScholarshipWhile fellow Wolves participate in local Art Show and Exhibit, RHS Student Wins IB Art Portfolio Scholarship. Eight Ranchview High School students participated in the Farmers Branch Carrollton Art Association Scholarship Show and Exhibit on Nov. 4. Brittany Given won $100 for “Best of Show” for her large scale multimedia piece.

Additionally, there is a separate senior scholarship show which is solely for students that will pursue art in college and beyond.  Karen Ki for won a $1,500 scholarship for her IB Art portfolio.  RHS art instructor, Caroline Kinlaw stated, “Karen is a beautiful mixture of academics and fine arts.”

Artwork from the event  will be on display at the Farmers Branch Manske Library throughout the month of November.

RHS Artists Whose Works Will be on Display:

Mesi Autio
Sydney Schain
Sarah Erlenbusch
Andrew Ahn
Natalie Sims
Rahel Tesfaye
Brittany Given
Karen Ki

Click here to view more of Karen Ki’s artwork.

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