On Nov. 4, RHS violinist, Esther Peng, was selected for the All-State Orchestra. Peng, a freshman at Ranchview High School, has been playing the violin for only 3 years. With over 30 regions within the state of Texas, musicians must first make it into their region orchestra to be considered for an All-State tryout. There are several hundred entries from violinists from across Texas that are considered for All-State membership. That number, however, is nothing compared to how many thousands audition statewide for Region orchestras.
Remarkable Achievement
Being named to All-State as a violinist is quite the achievement – particularly for a freshman. She has ranked among the top 112 violinists in the state. Ranchview Orchestra Director, Brian Towndrow stated, “for her to have landed there as a freshman is a pretty big deal.” Peng was selected to the Sinfonietta Orchestra, which is the third of three orchestras. Towndrow explained, “It’s also worthwhile to note that orchestra is the only musical arts division in the state that selects its All-State members from one big pot, so as a 4A school our Ranchview Orchestra members are competing against 5A and 6A players from major powerhouse programs statewide.”
Competing against the ‘Best of the Best’
This is the first time in Ranchview’s history that a student has qualified for the Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) All-State Orchestra. She competed against 376 other violinists across the state to earn this position. Towndrow added, “Most of those contestants first had to qualify for Region and Area levels of qualification, which are themselves very grueling and highly selective contests. She was up against the ‘best of the best.'”
Only 240 orchestra students across the state get to say they are Orchestra All-State members per year. Of those, 112 are violinists selected to fill the three All-State ensembles. Of those 112, only 8 are freshmen. Peng is one of only 21 freshmen selected to an All-State Orchestra on any stringed instrument.