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Archive | Bea Salazar Learning Center

Salazar Welcomes Mrs. Vasquez

Salazar Welcomes Mrs. Vasquez

Welcome, Mrs. Vasquez, to Bea Salazar Learning Center! This year we are excited to introduce Claudia Vasquez, who came to us from the medical industry, and she has been a very active parent participant in CFB. Mrs. Vasquez is passionate about fine arts such as dance, music, and art, and in helping today’s youth know that even the impossible is possible. Mrs. Vasquez attended Newman Smith High School and SER Business School and Remington College. She finds her greatest inspiration in her son who has taught her patience and that in life anything is possible. Bea Salazar hopes to help Mrs. Vasquez achieve her goal of helping students understand that no matter what, you can accomplish anything even when you think it is impossible to do so. Thank you Mrs. Vasquez for joining our team!

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Salazar Welcomes Mr. Robinson

Salazar Welcomes Mr. RobinsonWelcome, Mr. Robinson, to Bea Salazar Learning Center! This year we are excited to introduce William Robinson who came to us from Anne Frank Elementary and Uplift Heights Prep. Mr. Robinson is passionate about students’ success, and chooses a career in education so that he can make an impact on people’s lives. Mr. Robinson graduated from Bethune-Cookam University, and finds his greatest inspiration in God. Bea Salazar hopes to help Mr. Robinson achieve his goal of helping students discover their gifts and purpose in life as well as assisting them in setting and achieving goals that will prepare them for college and beyond. Thank you Mr. Robinson for joining our team!

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Mr. Luse – Teacher of First 9 Weeks at Bea Salazar Learning Center

Mr. Luse - Teacher of First 9 Weeks at Bea Salazar Learning Center

Congratulations to Doug Luse for being Bea Salazar’s Teacher of the First 9 Weeks and nominee for Teacher of the Year. Doug Luse was selected for this honor by his colleagues. When staff was asked why he deserved this award they responded with Mr. Luse builds wonderful relationships with students, has a positive attitude, helps all teachers, spends extra time with students outside of his class, has a great sense of humor, is a math genius, has a passion for the students, is a mentor for staff and students, takes care of the whole child, is a team player, has compassion for his students, and differentiates in his classroom. Overwhelmingly, staff stated multiple times that Mr. Luse goes above and beyond to connect with his students to help them be successful. Thank you Mr. Luse for all that you do, and we are thrilled to have you part of our team!

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CFBISD Bus Transportation

For the 2018-2019 school year, CFBISD will provide its own transportation services. The District will no longer use Dallas County Schools for transportation. CFBISD is in the process of hiring drivers and monitors as well as establishing routes for the school year.

Find out more information about routes and eligibility at 

CFBISD Bus Transportation


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