The district establishes standardized dress and grooming guidelines so that instruction and activities are not disrupted.
We expect the dress of all students to meet community standards and school policies with regard to safety, health, cleanliness and appearance.
Some basics to remember include:
- Shoes must be worn at all times.
- All apparel must fit properly and must be worn in the appropriate manner intended.
- Students may wear shorts of appropriate length, or skirts of an appropriate length, at or about mid-thigh or longer, when fitted at the natural waistline. Should jeans/pants have frays, rips, or tears above the mid-thigh (appropriate length of shorts), students must wear leggings underneath the jeans.
- Clothing items with provocative, offensive, violent, or drug-related pictures or slogans as well as those advertising alcoholic beverages or tobacco products should not be worn to school.
- Please note that all building administrative decisions regarding student dress are final. Students who disregard the dress code will be subject to disciplinary interventions.
The district’s complete dress code is outlined in the annual Student Handbook and the Code of Student Conduct. The Code of Student Conduct is distributed at the beginning of the school year.
After receiving parental input and School Board approval, students at a number of campuses wear school uniforms and/or standardized dress.
Standardized Dress
CFB ISD has schools whose students wear standardized dress. Standardized dress is mandatory at the following schools:
Middle Schools
Field Middle School – 972-968-3900
Perry Middle School – 972-968-4400
Elementary Schools
Blair Elementary – 972-968-1000
Carrollton Elementary – 972-968-1200
Central Elementary – 972-968-1300
Davis Elementary – 972-968-1500
Farmers Branch Elementary – 972-968-1600
Freeman Elementary – 972-968-1700
Good Elementary – 972-968-1900
La Villita Elementary – 972-968-6900
Landry Elementary – 972-968-2100
Las Colinas Elementary – 972-968-2200
McLaughlin Strickland Elementary – 972-968-2500
McWhorter Elementary – 972-968-2600
Riverchase Elementary – 972-968-2900
Sheffield Elementary – 972-968-3100
Stark Elementary – 972-968-3300
Standardized dress is optional at the following schools:
Blanton Elementary* (Blanton’s Standardized Dress is optional and NOT required) – 972-968-1100
All other campuses are not standardized dress but they follow the district’s dress code.
Parents with specific questions concerning their school’s requirements should contact the campus that their child attends.