Beginner Orchestra students will wear the Polk Orchestra t-shirt, blue jeans, and plain closed-toe shoes (brown, black or white) for their uniform. Uniforms are required at every concert and performance. The t-shirt and jeans are also the informal uniform used for certain performances throughout the year for the 7th and 8th graders. Flip-flops, sandals, shorts, and short skirts are NOT ALLOWED for concerts. The t-shirts are included in the orchestra fees and are also available for sale throughout the year should you have to purchase a replacement.
Boys (not beginners):
- Black dress shirt* (long sleeves, button-down, collar for tie)
- Black dress pants* (NO jeans or skinny pants)
- Nice, all-black dress shoes* (NO tennis shoes or sandals)
- Long, black socks* (NO ankle socks)
- Green tie (school-issued)
*We recommend Walmart, Target, Kohl’s and/or Payless Shoes for purchasing these items. Once purchased, the shirt, pants, shoes, and socks are yours to keep and may be used at events you may attend, even outside of concerts and performances.
Girls (not beginners):
- Plain, all-black, closed-toe dress shoes* (NO open-toe shoes, NO wedge or platform shoes, NO tennis shoes, NO sparkles or jewels.) For your concert dress shoes, the plainer, the better! Shoes may have a 1-2 inch heel (at most) and flats are also acceptable.
- Black concert dress (school-issued)
*We recommend Walmart, Target, Kohl’s and/or Payless Shoes for purchasing the dress shoes. Once purchased, shoes are yours to keep and may be used at events you may attend, even outside of concerts and performances.
*Parents need to provide the parts of the uniform that are not school-issued. The remainder of the uniform will be passed out before the first concert. There is a $10 uniform deposit required of ALL female students who are issued a uniform (included in the fees.) At the end of the year, if the uniform is returned dry-cleaned in a dress bag with the receipt attached, ON TIME, the $10 deposit will be returned in cash. If the uniform is NOT returned dry-cleaned, we keep the $10 and use your deposit to pay for the cleaning as well as other necessary repairs that occur throughout the school year on various dresses.
We have worked very hard as an orchestra and as a booster club to purchase beautiful concert dresses and nice green ties for the boys. You are not allowed to make ANY ALTERATIONS to the dresses, or you will be charged the full replacement cost of $70. If a dress is too long, you may PIN the hem. The same rules apply to the boys’ ties. Replacement cost for the ties is $5.