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All instruments are to be in good playing condition at all times.  Proper maintenance is required!!!  Students are expected to have rosin, shoulder rests, rock stops, mutes, a method book, working strings, and a cleaning cloth.  Please check out our website for advice on purchasing an instrument.  PLEASE: Do not buy an instrument online! We are happy to assist in the buying process when students are ready, but we encourage you to buy one from a reputable music store when students are entering or in 8th grade.


ALL violin and viola students are required to have:

  1. Instrument/bow
  2. Method Book (Beginners purchase for $9; all other classes use class sets)
  3. Kun, or Kun-like shoulder rest
  4. Cleaning cloth (can be purchased or made from an old t-shirt)
  5. Rosin (each musician needs their OWN ROSIN)

ALL cello and bass students are required to have:

  1. Instrument/bow
  2. Method book (Beginners purchase for $9; all other classes use class sets)
  3. Rock stop/Cello strap
  4. Cleaning cloth (can be purchased or made from an old t-shirt)
  5. Rosin (each musician needs their OWN ROSIN)

There are many places to purchase supplies that you will need throughout the year.  If your child plays violin or viola, we encourage our families to purchase an extra set of strings in the event that one breaks.  There is a list of music shops and online stores that we recommend on our website, but here is a short list:

Music and Arts:  Shar Music Supplies:

All orchestra members will receive a binder for sheet music and handouts.   It is the student’s responsibility to bring his/her binder, Orchestra Expressions book (Beginner Orchestra), a pencil, and binder handouts/ music to class each day.  The binder will be used to hold all handouts, music, etc for Orchestra.

If you rent your instrument from Music and Arts, you are paying for replacement strings every month.  If a string breaks, just bring the instrument to us and we will replace the strings with ones that Music and Arts provides to us for that purpose.  If you own your instrument, you will have to pay for replacement strings.  Typically, we will replace the string and then bill you via the Charms System.  You are responsible for making payment in a timely fashion.  If you use a school instrument, we use the $50 maintenance fee to cover the cost of replacement strings.  If a string breaks, we will replace it with strings we have for that purpose.

It is easy for us to order supplies (shoulder rests, method books, etc) and when that happens, we will bill you via the Charms System.  You are responsible for making payment in a timely fashion.

If you are in the beginning orchestra, and you play cello or bass, you will use a school instrument at school.  The optimal situation would be that the rented instrument stays home for practice and the student uses the school instrument during class.  “At-home” instruments should be brought to school one week before a concert to get the student accustomed to playing a new instrument in class and may be brought in at any time to be tuned.

All school instruments will be checked out by the director and contracts signed by parents as soon as possible after school starts.  Please realize that we have very limited resources for take-home instruments.  Any student using a school instrument AND using it as his/her primary instrument will be charged a $50 maintenance fee.

ANY DAMAGE INCURRED TO THE INSTRUMENT WHILE IN THE POSSESSION OF THAT STUDENT OR FAMILY IS THE SOLE FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OF THAT PARTY.  (i.e. little sister breaks the cello).  You can purchase instrument insurance for as little as $30 a year.  We recommend you purchase insurance to protect your budget should something break.