Barbara Bush Middle School uses the Remind program to send out texts to students and parents. The Band Staff uses this system to remind parents and students of important events. It does not cost anything to use. You need a ‘Smart Phone’ (any brand) to sign up and receive the text messages from the Band Staff.
Please ask your student what class period they have band, then enroll in that group. You and your student will receive texts about the events and activities.
To enroll, send a text message to 707.733.4758
If your child is in:
1st Period Band (Beginner Clarinet, Trumpet & Perucssion) include this in the message @1stpdband
2nd Period Band (Beginner Trombone, Euphonium & Tuba) include this in the message @2ndpdband
3rd Period Band (Symphonic Band) include this in the message @symband2
4th Period Band (Honor Winds) include this in the message @honorw
5th Period Band (Beginner Saxes & French Horns) include this in the message @5thpdband
6th Period Band (Beginner Flutes) include this in the message @6thpdband
Some brand of phones require you to send your first and last name, some brands will include that automatically. If you have a problem or need help, email Mr. Crowder.