I will use Remind (formerly Remind 101), a one-way text messaging service, to communicate with students and parents throughout this school year about important choir events. It is a free service, and only requires a smart phone to use. With some phones, you will be required to enter your first and last name, however other brands include this automatically. If any problems arise or if you have any questions, please email Mr. Adcock.
Below are each of my classes – please enroll in the class that your child is in. The number to text is (469)-437-4585.
2nd/3rd Period (Concert Boys) – include this in the message: @cncbys
4th/7th Period (Varsity Choir) – include this in the message: @mradc
5th Period (6th Grade Choir) – include this in the message: @6grdch
6th Period (Concert Girls) – include this in the message: @cncgrls