Welcome to The Iliad website!
Yearbook Adviser: Imelda McClure-Flores
Phone number: 972-968-6815
Email: mcclurei@cfbisd.edu
Yearbook Information:
To Order Yearbook:
- Click here www.jostens.com then click on 2020 Yearbook (credit card only).
or - Fill out the pink order form found in the front office, outside SW209, or email mcclurei@cfbisd.edu for an electronic copy.
- Return completed form and payment to Mrs. McClure-Flores in the front office or SW209 before the deadline.
To Order Senior Tributes:
- Click here jostens.com then click on Yearbook Recognition Ads (credit card only).
- Fill out the yellow order form found in the front office, outside SW209, or email mcclurei@cfbisd.edu for an electronic copy.
- Return completed form and payment to Mrs. McClure-Flores in the front office or SW209 before the deadline (Nov. 8, 2019).
Important Dates/Deadlines to Remember:
2019-2020 Dates:
September 13, 2019: Last chance for EARLY BIRD SPECIAL! Cheapest price of the year ($60) and free icons when you purchase the personalization ($5.50)!
September 9 & 10, 2019: Underclassmen photos taken by Lifetouch. Forms are distributed by student’s social studies teacher before the assigned picture day. Please bring completed order forms and payment on assigned date. Students will be notified of specific date by their social studies teacher.
October 18, 2019: Underclassmen Retakes – 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. Library conference. This day is for students who bought photos and are unsatisfied with the outcome or were absent on Sept. 18-19.
October 22, 2019: Senior Formal Portraits AT SMITH, ONE DAY ONLY – Prestige Portraits comes to Smith to take photos of seniors who did not go to the studio. Girls need to wear tank tops under their shirts.
October 26, 2019: Last day to take senior photo at Prestige Portraits and make it into the yearbook. Schedule your session at www.prestigeportraits.com or call 972-966-9200.
November 8, 2019: Senior Tribute deadline – Last day to order senior tributes. All paperwork and payments must be received by this date.
About the class:
Yearbook I, II, & III are combined classes where students (10th-12th grade) participate in the production of a yearbook. Anyone with an interest is encouraged to inquire, but adviser approval is needed for acceptance into the program. The yearbook remains under the supervision and guidance of the instructor. Students must gather, organize and record events throughout the year to be published and marketed to students.
Students learn and apply skills in a classroom setting that simulate a real-world, publishing experience while using industry standard computers and software (iMac, InDesign, Photoshop, etc.). Some of the basic skills learned are: news writing, elements of design, advertising, marketing, photography, collaboration, managing deadlines, etc.
Students must be available to work after school sometimes to gather content or complete assignments.
Freshmen interested in journalism should take Journalism1. Students are introduced to both newspaper and yearbook to determine interest. Journalism1 does not require adviser approval.
Please contact the instructor for any questions or comments.