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Student Management

Promoting Safety, Security, and Success for all Students and Staff

Campus Discipline Management System

Discipline Policy

We will utilize the Clean Slate citizenship and discipline program at Newman Smith High School. The Clean Slate is a school-wide program that allows teachers to teach and students to learn. Students will have 2 in class Strikes; Strike 3 will be the removal from class. Automatic Strike 3s can be administered by a teacher or an administrator. An automatic Strike 3 can result in removal from campus.

Clean Slate Overview:

  • Consistent behavioral and academic expectations throughout the school
  • Non-confrontational, non-judgmental
  • Encourages student ownership of behavior and responsibility that contributes to a positive learning environment
  • Student behavior choices result in consequences that are consistent, logical and predictable

Goals of Clean Slate:

  • To help students develop a sense of reality regarding the consequences of their behavior
  • To intrinsically reward and encourage consistent learning behavior
  • To reduce recognition and reinforcement of poor or inappropriate behavior\
  • To teach and provide opportunities for students to develop and practice decision-making skills regarding their behavior

If a child chooses Strike 3, a parent conference must take place before the student will be admitted back into class. Students will be placed in The Strike Zone until a parent reports to the school for the conference. Parents will be notified of their child’s choice regarding a Strike 3 by phone as well as a letter sent home with the child. If parent does not arrive during the school day, the student will not be allowed back on campus the following day unless accompanied by a parent. If the student does not report to school for 2 consecutive days, administrators will call home and begin the truancy process. A well-disciplined classroom is the most productive classroom. Students should be informed that good conduct is expected at school as well as in traveling to and from school.

The Rule: No One Has the Right to Interfere with the Learning, Safety, or Well-Being of Another.

Description of Strikes:

  • Strike 1 – Student receives a strike (hashmark) on their desk for disruption of the learning environment.
  • Strike 2 – Student receives a second hashmark on their desk and is informed that any further disruption will result in “Striking Out” and they will be sent to the office to call their parent. They will not be allowed back to class without a face-to-face conference.
  • Strike 3 – The student is asked to leave class and report to their appropriate grade level attendance. Strike 3s must be recorded in the SIT Server. Once the proper SIT Server documentation is completed and the notification is received, the student will call home and wait in the “Strike Zone until his/her parent arrives.
  • Student will remain in the Strike Zone until parent arrives to the school. Student will not be allowed into classes until there has been a strike 3 conference with the parent.
  • If parent does not arrive during the school day, the student will not be allowed back on campus the following day. He will be counted as OSS and a phone call home will be made by the Clean Slate Coordinator. If the student does not report to school for 2 consecutive days, administrators will call home and begin the truancy process.

For more information regarding documentation in the SIT Server, please see the Documentation of Strike 3s section

Tiers of The Clean Slate:

Tier 1 – 1 – Parent/Student/Teacher/Admin Conference
Tier 2 – 1 – Parent/Student/Teacher/Admin Conference 60 minute detention
Tier 3 – 1 – Parent/Student/Teacher/Admin Conference/Thursday School
Tier 4 – 1 – 1 day OSS/Parent/Student/Teacher/Admin Conference
Tier 5 – 1 – 2 day OSS/Parent/Student/Teacher/Admin Conference
Tier 6 – 1 – 3 day OSS/Parent/Student/Teacher/Admin Conference
Tier 7 – 1 – 3 day OSS/Parent/Student/Teacher/Admin Conference
Tier 8 – 1 – 30 day minimum placement at DAEP

Detention Procedures:
With implementation of The Clean Slate, teachers will no longer assign individual detentions, unless it is an IRS (Instructional Recapture Session). A teacher can assign a detention but must notify the parent 24 hours in advance. Detention will be utilized as a consequence for tardies/or tiers with in The Clean Slate program. Please refer to the tardy section for more information regarding tardies and detention. Detention begins promptly at 3:45.

Discipline Management Center(DMC)
This no longer exists in its prior form at Newman Smith High School.


The campus administrative policy for fighting is automatic DAEP and a 10 hour community service commitment as an administration fee. A student can be assigned to JJAEP for Title 5 violations involving weapons or serious bodily injury.