Steps for Completing a College Application
- If you will require a Counselor Recommendation (see notes on Counselor Recommenations)
- If you will require Teacher Letters of Recommendation (see notes on Letters of Recommendation).
- If you will require an Essay, (see notes on Essays).
- Watch for Deadlines and for Additional Mailings Required (like mid-year reports).
3. Complete each application carefully.
Three tips: Be Neat, Be Complete, Be On Time. Make sure your application reflects you at your best. Take your time.
- Transcript Request forms can be submitted on the first day of the school year.
5. Have your official ACT/SAT results sent to each school.
If you did not request that scores be sent to the colleges you are applying to when you took the test, you can request scores be sent by going to (ACT) or (SAT) to request official scores be sent (there will be a fee). ACT & SAT scores are not included on your high school transcript that is sent to colleges. NOTE: Don’t wait to send in your application until you have received the scores from your latest test. You can make a note on your application of the date of the test. The college will add your scores to your application when the scores arrive from ACT /SAT.
All of the necessary materials, including your transcript, will be submitted depending on how the college prefers to receive the material. You do not need to worry about providing an envelope or postage – that’s what the $5 processing fee is for!
Counselor Recommendations
(Only Required for Some Colleges)
Letters of Recommendation
(Only Required for Some Colleges)
If your application requires an essay, please visit the Writing the College Essay webpage for additional information. You may find it helpful to show your rough draft to a Communications teacher and/or other readers to get input. Make sure your final copy is carefully checked for grammar and spelling.
Activity/Extra-Curricular Involvement
Final Reminders
- Complete your own application. You are the one applying to college.
- Fill out the application completely, do not leave questions blank.
- Call the school if you have questions about the application or process.
- Read over the application for errors. Have a parent proof your application before hitting submit.
- Keep a copy of your applications and essays.
- Remember to write a nice thank you note afterward to those individuals that wrote letters of recommendation on your behalf.
- Remember to allow 15 school days for the counseling office to process your applications.
If you get a note from a college saying that part of your application is missing, don’t panic. In all likelihood, it is at the office and simply hasn’t been entered into the system yet. Check to see when your materials were sent, and give the college a few days to sort the mail before you request that we send a second set of documents. Confused? Questions? Stop into the counseling office and we will help! Or, you can call or email your counselor.