Students who move during the school year or will move during the summer must contact the Records Office at 972.968.4814 within 30 days of the move. A copy of the new residency documents is required. Final Report cards will be mailed to the address on file.
Non-Returning Students
If you are not returning to Creekview for the next school year, your parent must complete a “Non-Returning Notification Form” in the Records Office in May. This is not necessary for graduates.
Summer TEA/VOE Forms
Do you have a June, July, or August birthday and plan to apply for your driver’s permit or license? Before you leave school for the summer, you need to request a TEA form from your attendance clerk. Forms that are requested the last five days of the school year are good until the first day of the following school year. Please remember that you will need your Student ID to pick up your TEA form.
New School Year Online Enrollment
Online enrollment for the new school year opens in May at and must be completed by a parent before the end of the current school year. Every family must complete this annual enrollment before students can receive their class schedule for the next school year.
New Year Schedule Pick-up
You will receive a postcard in late July with instructions regarding Schedule Pick-up. SAVE THIS POSTCARD. Students will need to bring this card with a picture ID to pick up their schedule. If you lose your postcard, you will need to provide proof of residency (lease/mortgage and current utility bill) in order to pick up your schedule.