SAT Waiver
If you are a junior or senior, you may be able to receive fee waivers. To be eligible, you must meet at least one of the following qualifications: be enrolled in the Federal National School Lunch Program, your family receives public assistance, you live in federally subsidized public housing, a foster home, are homeless, a ward of the state or an orphan.
The Benefits of the SAT Fee Waiver cover more than just the testing fees. When you register for the SAT or SAT Subject Tests, the fee waiver will cover the registration fee for the test but you can also receive two free Question-and-Answer Service (QAS) or Student Answer Service (SAS) reports if they are ordered at the time of registration. Additionally, you can receive unlimited score reports and waived application fees at participating colleges.
In order to receive your Fee Waiver, see Mrs. Parker in Student Services. After she verifies your eligibility, she will issue you a fee waiver.
ACT Waiver
Each student who receives an ACT Fee Waiver must meet ALL eligibility requirements: Currently enrolled in high school in the 11th or 12th grade, be testing in the United States, US territories, or Puerto Rico or meet one or more indicator of economic need.
An ACT Fee Waiver covers the registration and late fees for either the ACT (no writing) or the ACT with writing. The waiver also covers one report to a student’s high school and up to six college choices (at the time he or she registers). After registration, the student can request up to an additional 20 regular score reports for free. Waivers may NOT be used to pay for any additional fees, products, or services. Additional Benefits include access to Test Prep Tools and Request for Waiver or Deferral of College Admission Application Fee. ACT offers a Request for Waiver or Deferral of College Admission Application Fee form for students that qualify for an ACT Fee Waiver. The form is available at
College Fee Waiver
For a college fee waiver you must use a SAT or ACT waiver. Once you register for a test using a fee waiver the application fee waiver is normally available the next day on your College Board account.