Field Trip General Information
- Teachers/Sponsors will submit the Field Trip Approval Form–approvals are electronic. The form will go to:
- Principal (all trips)
- Content Director (if overnight or out of state trips)
- Assistant Superintendent (if overnight or out of state trips)
- Permission Forms for the trips are also electronic and should be sent through ParentSquare to parent/guardian. Permission will be given electronically. Teacher/Sponsor can print the approvals on a spreadsheet to take on the trip.
- To secure chaperones for the trip, teacher/sponsor can request chaperones through ParentSquare. Parent/Guardian can also complete the required background check through ParentSquare.
- A ratio of 1 chaperone per 15 students is required. If more than 30 students, an administrator is required for overnight trips.
If you have questions please contact Student Services 972-968-6500.
Field Trip Procedures
- Complete and submit the Field Trip Approval Form for approval from Principal and/or designee. This form is for both in-state and out-of-state field trips.
- Volunteers must complete the Online Background Check as required by the District. Visit our Volunteer page for more information.
- Use ParentSquare to create, send and receive the Permission Waiver and Release Form from parents. Teachers and administrators will be able to pull a report of all completed permission slip forms for the field trip.
- Overnight Trips: Schedule parent/student meetings to distribute detailed trip information including Rules for Overnight Trip.
- Rosters: Print the completed permission slip forms from ParentSquare.
OR create your own roster from TEAMS with the following information: Name, ID, Date and Periods out of classes.
Email the roster information to your principal/designee, school nurse, attendance clerk, cafeteria manager at least one (1) week prior to field trip.
Report absences to the attendance clerk the morning of the event. - Bus Requests: Follow campus procedures to schedule buses. Contact the school secretary or administrator. If you are using CFB Transportation Services, review the InfoFinder – Field Trip Request Training Video.