Choosing the Best is a character building, decision making, abstinence-focused education curriculum for elementary and middle school students mandated by Senate Bill 19.
Abstinence Education:
- Abstinence education for CFBISD students gives our children the opportunity to make informed decisions regarding risky behaviors.
- Through decision-making programs such as Choosing the Best, there has been a 13% decrease in teen sexual activity since 1991 across the United States.
- CFBISD teachers, nurses, and counselors are here to help your child to make informed decisions. Your involvement as parents can make the difference in your child’s future.
5th Grade Program:
There are 6 lessons for students about making appropriate personal decisions. Each lesson follows the health TEKS required by the state. A short video segment accompanies each lesson.
- Deciding on Your Future
- Figuring Out Friendships and Relationships
- Avoiding Unhealthy Relationships
- Identifying the Risks
- Choosing the Best Way
- Learning How to Say NO
This program is the most successful with parental involvement:
- Students need to be educated about good decision making both at home and at school.
- Students need open lines of communication with their parents and teachers.
- Parents are 3 times more influential in a teen’s life than their friends.
Rewards for Informed Decisions:
- Teens will have the freedom to pursue the dreams of a lifetime.
- Teens will be free from the concerns of STD’s and teen pregnancy.
- Teens are encouraged to approach their parents or other adults with questions about appropriate decision making.