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Why Pre-K is Important for Your Child’s Academic Growth


teacher reading to child

I have taught PRE-KINDERGARTEN and kindergarten for many years. As a kindergarten teacher, I can tell within hours of meeting my new students who attended a certified Pre-K program! It’s that noticeable!

Students who attend Pre-K enter kindergarten with confidence and social, emotional, and academic skills that give them a head start in school. Enrolling your child in a Pre-K program is one of the best things you can do for their academic growth.

Why Enroll Your Child in Pre-K

Pre-k is a time for students to learn how school works and learn foundational skills they will need in kindergarten. In Pre-K, teachers spend time teaching students routines and procedures used in school. Students learn how to listen well, how to share, how to be patient, and how to participate. These are all skills that will prove tremendously helpful in your child’s transition to kindergarten.

Read More of the Article Here

For the 2017-2018 school year, CFBISD will offer full day, half day and tuition-supported Pre-K.

Tuition-supported Pre-K is a full day program that parents can choose to pay for their child to attend Pre-K even if they do not meet the federal requirements for the free program. Full day and tuition-supported are only available at specific campuses. Please visit our website to determine the right program for your child.

Visit our Pre-K website for more information

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