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The Washington Post Names Newman Smith as One of America’s Most Challenging High Schools



The Washington Post newspaper has listed Newman Smith as one of America’s Most Challenging High Schools for 2017!

This marks the 15th consecutive year Newman Smith has been listed among the top 2300 secondary schools in America. The Washington Post’s annual rankings of how successfully schools challenge their students are based on an index formula.   This formula was originated by Washington Post’s Education Writer, Jay Mathews, years ago. For 2017, Newman Smith is ranked at the 1467 spot nationally out of 22,000 public schools in America. The total number of public and private schools in the United States total about 30,000!

The Most Challenging High Schools program ranks schools through an index formula that’s a simple ratio, according to The Washington Post.

The ratio include: The number of Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate and Advanced International Certificate of Education tests given at a school each year, divided by the number of seniors who graduated that year. A ratio of 1,000 means the school had as many tests as graduates. Other factors include SAT, ACT, PSAT, dual credit, socio-economic data and other statistics that reflect a school’s focus on academic achievement for students. Newman Smith is projected to be among the top 500 schools in 2018.

Recently US News & World Report ranked Newman Smith #721 nationally out of 22,000 public high for 2017.  The news magazine listed Newman Smith in the #84 spot in Texas based on the school’s college readiness index, percentage of senior students tested via Advanced Placement exams, and AP passing percentage among several additional academic factors.

Various colleges and universities are taking note of the caliber of student at Smith.

Additionally, Newman Smith received a letter grade of “A” for College Readiness from NICHE K-12 for 2017.

Congratulations faculty, staff and students!

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