The Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District (CFB ISD) is committed to providing a positive learning environment for all students that enhances personal safety and promotes respect, dignity, and equality among students. High standards are expected for both academic achievement and for behavior.
CFB ISD strives to ensure that all of its students and employees are free from bullying, sexual harassment, and dating violence. All charges of bullying, sexual harassment, and dating violence are to be taken very seriously by students, faculty, staff, administration, and parents/guardians. CFB ISD will make every effort to handle and respond to every charge and complaint filed by students and employees in a fair, thorough, and just manner. Every effort will be made to protect the due process rights of all victims and all alleged perpetrators.
Bullying is defined as written or verbal expression, including electronic communication, or physical conduct that occurs on school property, at a school sponsored or school related activity, or in a vehicle operated by the District that exploits an imbalance of power and interferes with a student’s education or substantially disrupts the operation of a school, and either (1) has the effect or will have the effect of physically harming a student, damaging a student’s property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to the student’s person or of damage to student’s property; or 2) is sufficiently severe, persistent, and pervasive enough that the action or threat creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for a student.
Harassment is defined as conduct that threatens to cause harm or bodily injury to another student, is sexually intimidating, causes physical damage to the property of another student, subjects another student to physical confinement or restraint or maliciously and substantially harms another student’s physical or emotional health or safety. In addition, it includes physical, verbal, or nonverbal conduct based on the student’s race, color, religion, gender, national origin, disability, or any other basis prohibited by law that is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that the conduct:
- Affects a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from an educational program or activity, or creates an intimidating, threatening, hostile, or offensive educational environment.
- Has the purpose or effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with the student’s academic performance; or 3. Otherwise adversely affects the student’s educational opportunities.
Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances; requests for sexual favors; or sexually motivated physical, verbal, or nonverbal conduct when the conduct is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it:
- Affects a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from an educational program or activity, or creates an intimidating, threatening, hostile, or offensive educational environment.
- Has the purpose or effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with the student’s academic performance; or 3. Otherwise adversely affects the student’s educational opportunities.
Dating violence occurs when a person in a current or past dating relationship uses physical, sexual, verbal, or emotional abuse to harm, threaten, intimidate, or control the other person in the relationship. Dating violence is considered prohibited harassment if the conduct is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that the conduct:
- Affects a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from an educational program or activity, or creates an intimidating, threatening, hostile, or offensive educational environment.
- Has the purpose or effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with the student’s academic performance; or 3. Otherwise adversely affects the student’s educational opportunities.
Students who believe they have been harassed, bullied, or otherwise victimized are encouraged to promptly report such incidents to the campus principal or other campus professional. To the greatest extent possible, complaints shall be treated as confidential. Limited disclosure may be necessary to complete a thorough investigation.
A student or parent/guardian who has a complaint alleging bullying, harassment, or dating violence may request a conference with the principal or the principal’s designee. If the student or parent/guardian is not satisfied with the response from the campus staff, they may request a conference with the Superintendent or designee, or CFB ISD’s Title IX Coordinator.
Complaints will be documented and investigated in accordance with CFB ISD policy and guidelines. Any staff member who observes an incident that involves physical or sexual assault or threats will report the incident immediately to the principal. Any staff member who learns of an incident or threat may submit a Complaint Form on behalf of the victim.
Campus Complaint Procedures:
- Students and staff members will complete a Complaint Form available in the school’s main office.
- The Complaint Form will be submitted to the principal or designee immediately.
- The principal or designee will investigate complaints by meeting separately with each student involved in the situation.
- The principal will conference with the victim and parent/guardian to discuss safety and community resources.
- The principal will conference with the alleged perpetrator and parent/guardian to discuss appropriate behaviors and consequences. With the prior consent of the victim, the principal may issue a School-Based Stay-Away Agreement to the alleged perpetrator during the parent/guardian conference.
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