(Counselor Recommendation Required)
CFB Virtual Campus will implement an online course initiative to support our district efforts to reduce the number of high school students who are not able to graduate with their cohort class in the current school year. The recommended curriculum for this program is the Aventa Learning online high school course curriculum. Aventa Learning will support each online course with certified teachers and online curriculum. The awarding of credit is determined by the students home high school campus upon the successful completion for each course.
Student Eligibility:
Students identified by our counselors and administrative staff from each high school will be eligible for the program. In order to participate in this initial summer pilot students must have a current credit deficit in their graduation plan of no more than 4 semester credits. Courses may be for original credit or for credit recovery.
Students Expectations:
Students will need to complete the online registration located HERE.
Counselors will need to send an email message to Mr. Bob Tipton tiptonr@cfbisd.edu and JoAnn Gillen gillenj@cfbisd.edu for each student they recommend for the Online Graduation Recovery Program. Students will not be enrolled without counselor approval.
Students will be required to attend face to face sessions during the first two weeks of their online course for orientation and to begin their online courses. The face to face sessions are held Monday through Thursday from 4:00pm to 7:00 pm at the CFB Community Learning Complex (CLC) located at 1820 Pearl St. Building A, Rooms 123 and 121. Students will have access to their online course(s) via the internet and will meet on a scheduled basis for face to face support from a CFB Mentor/Learning Coach.
Students will need to attend two weeks of face to face classes during their first two weeks of enrollment. After the first two weeks of successful completion, students will need to meet with their Learning Coach a minimum of one three hour session in face to face class each week.
Students should be motivated to work independently in an online environment.
Students are responsible for any tuition costs that are set by the district. The tuition cost is $150.00. ($75.00 for Free/Reduced lunch students).
Payment can be made by clicking HERE.