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High School Program

Summer School Notice
Summer School will be free for the 2020. Revtrak registrations are valid and do not need to be submitted again. Parents will receive a Parent Square message confirming registration. Students should reach out to their current counselor for course recommendations prior to registering.

Register for Summer SchoolRegister Here

Summer School High School Program

Virtual Summer School for 2020
(beginning on Jun. 9, 2019)
For information please call 972-968-5422 or email
Principal: Ivan Cedillo

June 9 – 18 (Semester 1)
June 19 – June 30 (Semester 2)

Courses Offered

1010 English 1
1151 English 2
1210 English 3
1310 English 4
#1154 Creative Writing
1911 English for NES
1912 ESOL English 1
1913 ESOL English 2
4650 Algebra I
4690 Algebra II
4670 Geometry
4710 Math Models
6616 Integrated Physics and Chemistry
6620 Biology
6640 Chemistry
6655 Physics
7610 U.S. History
7911 World History
7980 World Geography
#7317 U.S. Government
#7400 Eco-Free Enterprise (Economics)
#*5910 Health 1
*5600 PE 1: Foundations
2500 Art 1
3808 Spanish 1
3810 Spanish 2

* Denotes Classes that incoming freshmen may take.
# Denotes 1 semester class.
There MUST be at least 10 students enrolled for a course to make.

Below are some details on how we will continue using the grading procedures put into place for the 4th 9 weeks and how they have been modified for summer school.

Covid-19 4th 9 Weeks Summer School Semester 1 and Semester 2
Students receive 1 grade per week (total of 6) Students receive 1 grade per day (total of 8—2 assignments given on day 7 to allow for grading to finish up on day 8)
Students are asked to submit work by Friday of that week. Students asked to submit work daily by the end of the day.
Students receive only formative grades. Students receive only formative grades.
Grade cannot negatively impact their 2nd semester grade, it can only help. Students must submit work daily so semester grade can be determined. All 8 grades will have the same weight in calculating the semester grade.
Students are allowed to work through assignments during the week. Students are allowed to work through assignments during the day.
Teachers are available during normal work hours to Zoom or be readily available for student questions. Teachers are available during normal work hours (8am-1pm) to Zoom or be readily available for student questions.
Schools/Departments determine what assignment will be submitted for grading weekly. Departments (with help from District content directors) determine what assignment will be submitted for grading daily.  **Allows for flexibility between content areas so we do not try to find a one size fits all**