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Arrival & Dismissal Procedures


To ensure the safety of students, once they arrive on campus, they must enter the cafeteria. Children may enter the cafeteria as early as 7:15 am. We will have staff members on duty beginning at 7:15 am to supervise students.


Students should be dropped off near the cafeteria door, on the south side of the campus. Parents should follow traffic signs and directions of staff on duty, pulling all the way forward in the drop off line. Parents should not allow students to exit the vehicle before they have pulled forward, or run between cars in the parking lot.

Parents should not drop children off on the northbound side of Dennis Lane (closest to the soccer fields) and allow students to cross the street. These crosswalks are not staffed with crossing guards and should not be used. Students are welcome to cross the street at the light near Richland Avenue and Dennis Lane.


Students should obey all traffic laws and use caution when using crosswalks or in parking lots, and students should not run through traffic lanes when cars are present. Once on campus, students should not leave campus for any reason. Bike riders should walk their bikes once they have entered the school grounds, and may lock their bikes up in the bike area near the flagpoles at the southeast corner of campus.


Immediately after students are dismissed from school, they are to leave the school grounds unless they attend any of the school sponsored after-school programs. Children cannot loiter on the school grounds after being dismissed because there is no adult supervision. Teachers will be on duty until 4:30 pm, and students should be picked up or have left the school grounds by this time. Parents are responsible for making sure students know where they will be picked up and by whom. Parents wishing to pick their child up before school dismissal must go to the main office to sign students out.


Parents or van transportation that pick up children from campus must pick them up from the lane closest to the school. Students will not be able to use the crosswalks on Dennis Lane, and
will have to cross at the corner of Richland Avenue and Dennis Lane only.

These guidelines are determined for the safety of all students. Parents wishing to pick their child up before school dismissal must go to the main office to sign students out. (See section below about picking up students early.)


Students walking home from school must walk immediately home after leaving school property. Loitering on the school grounds after 4:30 pm is not permitted. For the safety of all children, students will not be allowed to wait outside of the school building for a ride after 4:30 pm, due to the lack of adult supervision. Should a student remain on campus excessively late (after 5:00 pm), a phone call will be made to the parent to remind them of the school’s policy and our concern for the student’s safety.


Parents should also ensure that students know which activities, practices, clubs, etc. their students are attending after school. Students are responsible to go immediately to their after school activity at the end of the school day.


Parents must go to the front office/attendance office and sign their child out of school with the school secretary. If there is an emergency or special circumstance, please call the office ahead of time to make arrangements. Students will not be released to anyone not listed in the student’s file as a person authorized to pick up the child. Only after the parent or other authorized person
signs the child out will the child be released to the parent or other authorized person. Once the dismissal process has started at 4:15 pm, children will not be allowed to leave early and the parent must follow the established dismissal procedures for the safety of all students.


As part of the enrollment process, the student’s parent/guardian must designate the persons who are authorized to pick up the student from school. Only those persons will be allowed to pick up the student. If it is necessary for someone other than the designated person to pick up the child, the parent must notify the school in writing and specifically identify the person who will be picking up their child. Authorization for this person to pick up the student must be given to the school secretary either in person, by email or fax. School personnel will require proper identification of the person before releasing the child.


The school will not be involved in decisions relating to custody or family disputes with respect to picking up a child from school. The school will assume both parents have equal right to access to their child, including the right to pick up the child from school, unless the school has been provided with a certified court order which specifically limits the access of the parent to his or her child at the school. A divorce decree setting out custody or visitation schedules is not sufficient to prohibit access of a parent unless the decree specifically so provides. Parents involved in divorce or custody proceedings should make every effort to manage these issues without disruption to the student or school environment. Parents who fail to comply with this request may be removed from the school campus by the police.