RLT Class of 2019 Senior Workshop
Planning for Graduation and Life AFTER High School
3 Simple Steps to Apply for College
- Take the ACT or SAT
- Fill out Application(s)
- Send Transcript
Road Map to College
- Fall: research/visit colleges and take a final SAT/ACT if needed
- September/October: apply to colleges and apply for college awarded scholarships
- October-March: file FAFSA for financial aid
- December-February: apply for Local Scholarships
- Late Spring: GRADUATE!
- Helpful site
College Readiness Standards
- Successfully complete the Distinguished Level of Achievement/Foundation Graduation Plan with Endorsements
- Satisfy College Readiness Benchmarks
- SAT—Reading/Writing 480+ and Math 530+
- ACT—18 English, 22 Reading, 22 Math, and 23 Science
- Texas Uniform Admission Policy
- Take ASAP, if you have not already tested with SAT or ACT, and plan to enroll in a 4 year college or university.
- Fee waivers—see your counselor
College Applications
- Know the deadlines, and get application in EARLY! (By November of senior year!)
- ApplyTexas
- Common App
- Coalition App
- SendEdu
- Universal App
Senior Profile
- The Senior Profile is used for recommendation letters (college and scholarship letters)
- Parent and student portions need to be completed
- Fill out the Senior Profile before working on College Apps to make the process easier!
Recommendation Letters
- All recommendation letters need to be requested by November 1st for colleges.
- Give at LEAST 3 weeks notice for teacher and counselor recommendations.
- Search application website to see if recommendation letters are needed…do not wait until the end of the process to ask for recommendations
- Requesting a letter of recommendation etiquette:
- Request an appointment to ask for the recommendation face to face. Do not request a rec through email.
- Be polite if the person asked says no.
- Send a thank you note after the recommendation has been sent. It is appreciated, and good practice for the future.
- Other helpful hints
- Common App: counselors upload transcript
- In State schools: TREx
- See Ms. Ventura in the records office to request transcripts for In State schools
- Out of State (non Common App) schools: order transcripts from Parchment
Final Transcripts
- Final Transcripts are sent to Colleges at the beginning of July.
- Final Transcripts are NOT ready prior to this time because the district must verify and finalize them.
- Final Transcripts MUST be requested from the Records Office. They ARE NOT automatically sent.
- The FAFSA must be filled out for Financial Aid.
- Register for pin numbers NOW! One for parent and student required.
- Keep all logins and passwords in an organized place.
- FAFSA needed for 4 year schools, Community Colleges and sports scholarships.
- Apply starting October 1st
- Deadline for FAFSA: March 1st
- Applicable for many larger Universities
- Check your school’s FAFSA deadlines
- Must be done as early possible for sports scholarships
- Dallas Promise FAFSA Deadline: January 15th
- FAFSA Trucks @ RLT
- October 20th from 10am-2pm
- February 5th from 5:30pm-7:30pm (Family Night)
- TASFA is the financial aid website for students who are not US Citizens
- Student I-20 number will be needed for registration.
- All students can register for financial aid.
- All Colleges/Community Colleges have Financial Aid offices that can help you and your family fill out the TASFA forms (no matter what school you plan to attend).
Can one become disqualified from receiving Financial Aid?
- Yes! If you commit a felony, you cannot file the FAFSA and you will not qualify for Financial Aid.
- A felony means a LIFETIME of ineligibility for Financial Aid.
- Be careful that ‘Senior Pranks’ don’t become a permanent liability for your future education!
Community College
- Dallas County Community College District
- Apply online in March of senior year
- Why Community College?
- Community College’s accept the Foundation Graduation Plan
- No SAT or ACT required
- Can transfer to a 4 year college
- Technical Degree/Training
- Less Expensive
- Can take basics during the summer if attending a 4 year school (saves $$)
- AP Test scores: Be sure to get them put on your Brookhaven Transcript! (You must be an ACTIVELY ENROLLED student for Brookhaven to transfer AP Test scores into College Credit.)
Community College Transcripts
- DCCCD requires a paper transcript
- Fee: $5
- Request should be place in the Records Office before the end of the school year.
- Paper Transcripts will be ready for pick up the Monday after July 4th.
Dallas County Promise
- No income or GPA requirements
- No essays
- Non-negotiable deadlines
- Non-citizens must meet Texas residency requirements
- Dallas County Promise Details
Dallas Promise Steps & Deadlines
- October 1: Dallas County Promise Pledge opens
- January 15th: FAFSA/TASFA must be submitted by this date
- February 8th: Submit the admissions application for Dallas County Community College District
- July 31st: Complete class registration for the fall semester
Dallas County Kick-Off
When: Saturday, October 6th
Time: 1-4pm
Where: UNT Dallas
Local Scholarships
- Available online in December: There will be an Advisory Lesson
- Deadline—February
- Scholarships announced at Senior Walk!
- Military Interest/Career Inventory
- Sign up to test
- Testing Date: November 30th
- ASVAB Career Exploration Program
Selective Service
- Gentlemen must register at age 18—federal law.
- Must register before filling out the FAFSA and prior to college admittance.
- Selective Service
Other Information
- Request GPA and class rank from Ms. Ventura in the records office.
- Don’t request until Mid-October for the most updated rank
- Listen to announcements for visiting colleges.
- Listen to announcements for local scholarship deadlines.
- When accepted to a college and/or offered scholarship money, inform Mrs. Binford in B100.
- College Visits:
- Allowed 2 days
- Form from attendance clerk (prior to visit)
- Must provide verification of visit (upon return)
- Make sure you are taking care of business and passing all of your classes.
Be Professional!
- Have a generic email address for college admissions process. Example: john.doe@gmail.com
- Be aware that some colleges look at social sites. If it is not something you want Grandma to see, it is probably not something you want your prospective colleges to see.
- Cell Phones
- Check your VOICEMAIL!
- No music as a ring tone!
- Have a mature, professional, BRIEF voicemail message. It is not just your friends and relatives calling anymore.
Additional Thoughts
- Keep up with colleges of interest through social media and phone apps.
- Have an organized method to maintain passwords, deadlines, etc. during the college and scholarship application process.
- Don’t procrastinate. Deadlines are firm for admissions, financial aid, scholarships, etc.
Add Us on Social Media
Helpful Websites
- College For All Texans
- Bridges 360
- Portfolio Name: cfb_(ID# here)
- Password: (birthdate)
- NCAA Eligibility Center
- Texas OnCourse
- Big Future
- Share Your Road/Road Trip Nation
Senior Information
Counselors need this information to better work with you in out 1:1 meetings and in case there is an emergency.
Transcript Verification Sheet
Please turn in your signed Transcript Verification Sheet (color paper copy) before leaving. The white copy and transcript are yours to keep.