January 7, 2020
Class of 2023! Make your New Year’s resolution to be more involved at school! You can accomplish this resolution by coming to the next freshman exec meeting THIS THURSDAY after school in room S105 (Almendarez). We will continue planning our fundraisers for the spring. Remember, our goal is to start making money NOW to pay for a sensational Prom during Junior year!
Seniors, Financial Aid Workshops will be held in the library on Thursday, January 9, and Monday, January 13, from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM. Counselors will be available to help you and your and parents complete FAFSA/TASFA and other required college documents.
Monday, January 13th, the library closed for the District Financial Aide workshop
If you would like to play softball this spring, please stop by C205 to speak with Coach Hamlin and then join us at our spring player/parent meeting on Monday, January 13, 2020 at 6:30PM in C205.
Attention Seniors
The Class of 2020 Senior Shirts are on sale in B-109. Cost is $20.00 Cash only.
Attention Teachers, Students, and Staff
It is not too late to sign up for the 2021 Spring Break Trip to Belgium, France, and Switzerland. Information can be picked up in B-109.
It is time to reserve your yearbook! This year you must go online to www.balfour.com to reserve a yearbook. The Main Office will not be taking cash orders. Cost is now $70. March 6th is the last day to buy a yearbook! We will not be ordering extra yearbooks to sell, so be sure to go online and order yours soon!