Summer Reading Assignment
History of the Americas
Year 1 (Juniors)
10 Days that Unexpectedly Changed America by Steven M. Gillon, Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Half Price Books
The summer reading assignment will constitute the first major grade for HOA and will be due Tuesday, August 26, 2019.
For each chapter write a well-developed paragraph that answers the question: Why was this day a pivotal point in US history?
Papers may be hand written or typed. Paragraphs should be no longer than one typed or written page per chapter. Each chapter summary must simply answer the question.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact me over the summer. I will be in and out of town during the break, so it may take me while to get back to you. I will be gone from June 8-14 and July 8-21.
Leslie Grisham