- Speeding or Racing
- Display of power
- Driving against traffic patterns
- Reckless driving
- Transportation of underclassmen off campus
II. PARKING AND OTHER PARKING LOT VIOLATIONS INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO (violations may cause cars to be towed immediately)
- Parking in more than one space. (tires over the line)
- Parking in illegal spaces. (i.e. staff, visitor, volunteer, fire lane, handicapped, etc…)
- Blocking drives
- Interference with class activities.
- Possession of alcohol or drugs in the vehicle you parked on campus
- Failure to display parking sticker.
- Acts of vandalism or graffiti upon another person’s vehicle
- 1ST OFFENSE: Two to four weeks revocation of permit. No refund of permit fee.
- 2nd OFFENSE: Four to nine weeks revocation of permit. No refund of permit fee.
- Further Consequences: Permanent revocation of permit with no refund of permit fee. Students may be subject to legal action and/or further disciplinary action as stated in the Student Code of Conduct and Discipline Management plan.
- The administration team reserves the right to resort immediately to more serious consequences should, in their judgment, an offense be serious enough to warrant doing so. This includes transporting underclassmen off campus.
- Irving Police/Fire Marshall may issue tickets to vehicles in handicapped spaces and/or fire lanes.
- You are responsible for all parking and/or driving infractions committed in your vehicle.
- In terms of acts of vandalism or graffiti, consequences may be up to three days suspension along with follow-through with the Irving Police Department.